June 17, 2018, Lectionary
- Details
- Last Updated: Saturday, 16 June 2018 08:38
- Published: Friday, 15 June 2018 16:30
- Written by Wilma Zalabak
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There were a lot of people bypassed in the anointing and then accession of David to the kingship. New Testament news is that all are chosen! 1 Samuel 15:34-16:13
Some trust in computers, some trust in smart phones. We will trust in the Lord our God. Psalm 20
If Christ died for us all, then we all must have been dead. If we are dead, then whatever living gets done will be not for ourselves but for him who died for us. This is how the love of Christ compels us. Interesting logic. 2 Corinthians 5:14-17
Two words/phrases deserve attention: "Parable" as comparison, or picture, or likeness, and "Kingdom of God," like a man who plants seed, and like a seed also. Mark 4:26-34
Thoughts about Listening
Tell about a time when deep honesty or precise truthfulness made a difference for you. 1 Samuel 15:34-16:13
I wish for you today fully positive supply to all your most urgent desires. Psalm 20
In our conversations, let us regard the other person as the unique and precious and valuable person that he or she is. 2 Corinthians 5:14-17
My challenge: Be careful today to talk only as much as the other(s) is/are able to hear. Mark 4:26-34
Bible Reading Group Homework
1. Tell about a time when deep honesty or precise truthfulness made a difference for you.
2. Read or listen to 1 Samuel 15:34-16:13. People of the Hebrew Bible like to identify with David, the one who was chosen though at first the unlikeliest choice. This time reading the story, intentionally place yourself as one of the older brothers. Draw, dance, or tell how this feels to you.
3. Read or listen to Psalm 20. Imagine Jesus and the Holy Spirit praying this for you. Then pray it for someone for whom you care.
4. Read or listen to 2 Corinthians 5:14-17. If we don’t live for ourselves anymore, and we’re not the same as we used to be, for whom do we live and how are we new?
5. Read or listen to Mark 4:26-34. Why did Jesus tell parables? Other words for “parable” include “comparison,” “story,” “metaphor,” “likeness,” and “word play.” The common element in these parables is that the seed grew without human help. In what ways would you say this is like the kingdom of God?
1. Comente sobre un momento en que la honradez o la veracidad hicieron una diferencia para usted.
2. Leer o escuchar 1 Samuel 15: 34-16: 13. A las personas de la Biblia hebrea les gusta identificarse con David, el elegido, aunque al principio fue la opción menos probable. Leyendo la historia esta vez, colóquese intencionalmente como uno de los hermanos mayores. Dibuje, baile o diga cómo le hace sentir esto.
3. Leer o escuchar el Salmo 20. Imagine a Jesús y al Espíritu Santo orando por usted. Luego ore por alguien que le importe.
4. Leer o escuchar 2 Corintios 5: 14-17. Si ya no vivimos por nosotros mismos, y ya no somos lo que solíamos ser, ¿Por quién vivimos y cómo somos nuevos?
5. Leer o escuchar Marcos 4: 26-34. ¿Por qué Jesús dijo parábolas? Otras palabras para "parábola" incluyen "comparación", "historia", "metáfora", "semejanza" y "juego de palabras". El elemento común en estas parábolas es que la semilla creció sin ayuda humana. ¿De qué manera dirías que esto es como el reino de Dios?