June 24, 2018, Lectionary
- Details
- Last Updated: Friday, 06 July 2018 11:22
- Published: Friday, 06 July 2018 11:22
- Written by Wilma Zalabak
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David and Goliath is a story worth re-reading. "The Lord saves not with sword and spear. The battle is the Lord's." 1 Samuel 17:32-49
God is a refuge for the oppressed. What if a refugee from oppression ends up under the same refuge plan with his or her oppressor, that oppressor having also been oppressed and a refugee? Psalm 9:9-20
Paul finally comes close to making poetry in his appeal that the Corinthians accept his ministry. Let us consider what our spiritual leaders and mentors go through for us. 2 Corinthians 6:1-13
Mark is the only Gospel to introduce the pillow/cushion on which Jesus was asleep. When you picture this as you read, how big is the pillow? Does it have a color, a shape? What is it made of? Mark 4:35-41
Thoughts about Listening
I watch my language when up against a problem bigger than I. No fear language allowed. 1 Samuel 17:32-49
The fact that humans love reversal stories signifies to me that humans have some sort of innate sense of justice. Psalm 9:9-20
I know someone who has gone through extra work, insomnia, skipping meals, and even beatings and prison, in order to communicate with someone. Is it worth it? 2 Corinthians 6:1-13
If someone sees, "Don't you care?" What are the presuppositions? That you should care. That you're not doing a good job of caring. What else? Mark 4:35-41
Bible Reading Group Homework
1. If you will, tell about a time of troubling anxiety for you and what you did about it.
2. Read or listen to 1 Samuel 17:32-49. Act out this famous story or help some children to act it. Would you please locate and discuss the points of anxiety in this story.
3. Read or listen to Psalm 9:9-20. Now imagine the things that bring you anxiety written in place of the things listed in this psalm from which God will give you refuge. Tell your feelings.
4. Read or listen to 2 Corinthians 6:1-13. Sometimes our anxiety arrives because of our care for others in our charge. Read aloud together this litany of what Paul invested for others, and discuss what Paul did with anxiety.
5. Read or listen to Mark 4:35-41. This is also a famous and fun story for children to re-enact. Try it, and then discuss the points of anxiety. How do you think Jesus could sleep through the storm. What was Jesus question to the disciples about the situation? How can humans increase their trust and faith in God?
1. Si lo desea, cuente sobre un momento en el que tuvo una inquietante ansiedad y qué hizo al respecto.
2. Leer o escuchar 1 Samuel 17: 32-49. Representar esta famosa historia o ayudar a algunos niños a actuarla. Por favor, busque y analice los puntos de ansiedad en esta historia.
3. Leer o escuchar el Salmo 9: 9-20. Ahora imagine las cosas que le traen ansiedad escribiéndolas en lugar de las cosas enumeradas en este salmo en el cual Dios le dará refugio. Cuéntenos sus sentimientos.
4. Leer o escuchar 2 Corintios 6: 1-13. A veces la ansiedad llega a nosotros, debido al cuidado que tenemos por los que están a nuestro cargo. Lean juntos y en voz alta esta letanía de lo que Pablo invirtió en otros, y discuta lo que hizo Pablo con la ansiedad.
5. Leer o escuchar Marcos 4: 35-41. Esta es también una historia famosa y divertida para que los niños la recreen. Prueba y luego analiza los puntos de ansiedad. ¿Cómo cree que Jesús podría dormir durante la tormenta? ¿Qué le preguntó Jesús a los discípulos sobre la situación? ¿Cómo pueden los humanos aumentar su confianza y fe en Dios?