March 19, 2017, Lectionary

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Moses did the counter-intuitive thing because God said to; he used his little stick to tap the over-towering rock for water. Exodus 17:1-7

I choose to be worshiping God today for His wonderful works already available to me, and not not complaining about lack. Psalm 95

Superlative peace, hope, love, and joy! That's what the one has who has been justified by faith! Romans 5:1-11

The woman, descendant of forced immigration, choosing usually to be the predator to keep from being the prey, finally heard Jesus listening to her. John 4:5-42

Thoughts about Listening

Name some counter-intuitive things you've done in your life as you led your children, your work force, your community, or your church. Exodus 17:1-7

Gratitude for what I have works better than assessment of my lack, as setting for my life. Psalm 95

If there were no shame mixed with our mistakes and troubles, if no one could ridicule us, would we move on quicker? Romans 5:1-11

Neither centuries of injustice nor decades of poor choices need define my present. A good listener can help sort it out. John 4:5-42

Bible Reading Group Homework

1.    Search the Internet for how many people in the world do not have access to clean drinking water. Express gratitude.

2.    Read or listen to Exodus 17:1-7. Find on the Internet some images of this rock, according to some. (A search on rock, water, and struck will suffice.) Consider and discuss how small a thing Moses’ staff was to affect this rock. How did God supercede all grumblings?

3.    Read or listen to Psalm 95. In a Psalm about praise, the story of grumbling is inserted. Ponder and discuss what, in the context of this Psalm, would have reminded the author of this story.

4.    Read or listen to Romans 5:1-11. Search this reading to discover and list the benefits accruing to the one who is justified by faith. Would you say they are comparative blessings or superlative blessings, according to Paul?

5.    Read or listen to John 4:5-42. Re-enact this dialogue, using the words from Scripture, and perhaps inserting more words or insinuations from the woman. Search the Internet for background on the Samaritans. Discuss their heritage as abused, enslaved, immigrants, and what influence this might have had on this woman’s interaction with Jesus. What similarities can you see between her process or issues and our own today?


1. Busque en internet cuántas personas en el mundo no tienen acceso al agua potable. Expresar gratitud.

2. Leer o escuchar  Éxodo 17:1-7. Encuentre en internet algunas imágenes  de ésta roca. (Una búsqueda sobre la roca, el agua, o perforar será  suficiente). Considere y analice las cosas pequeñas hizo el  personal de Moisés para afectar a esta roca. ¿Cómo superó Dios todos las murmuraciones?

3. Leer o escuchar el Salmo 95. Es un Salmo sobre alabar, se inserta la historia de una queja.  Preguntarse y discutir por qué, en el contexto de éste Salmo,  el autor habría recordado esta historia.

4. Leer o escuchar Romanos 5:1-11. Busque esta lectura para descubrir y enumerar los beneficios que se acumulan para quien es justificado por la fe. ¿Diría usted que según Pablo, son bendiciones comparativas o bendiciones superlativas?

5. Leer o escuchar Juan 4:5-42. Volver a representar este diálogo, utilizando las palabras de la Escritura,  y tal vez agregado más palabras o insinuaciones de la mujer. Busque en internet los antecedentes de los samaritanos. Discuta su herencia al ser abusada, esclavizada e inmigrante, y qué influencia pudo haber tenido en la interacción de ésta mujer con Jesús.  ¿Qué semejanzas puede ver entre su proceso  o asuntos y los nuestros  hoy?