March 12, 2017, Lectionary

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I know several of us who wish to hear God's voice in call as clearly as Abraham apparently did. Have patience; it might happen. Genesis 12:1-4

The Lord will keep me from evil, never sleeping, wherever I go, now and forever. And the Lord knows which is the real evil. Psalm 121

God cannot be put in debt to me. The only way God operates is by grace. Romans 4:1-5, 13-17

The first thing Jesus told Nicodemus he had to do was something he couldn't do, but rather than admit it he made logical excuses. John 3:1-17

Thoughts about Listening

Name the part(s) of your life about which you have clarity right now, then consider how you came to that clarity. Genesis 12:1-4

Who waits up watching for you to come home? Have you recently honored that friendship and care? Psalm 121

I do not put unequivocated confidence in a contract for the exchange of equal value. Romans 4:1-5, 13-17

Admitting one's lack of skills, knowledge, or resources is sometimes the first step to gaining them and doing the job. John 3:1-17

Bible Reading Group Homework

1.    Estimate, how many times do you think you go in or out of your door in a week? Discuss what might change if every time you went in or out you stopped to think of and thank God.

2.    Read or listen to Genesis 12:1-4. Abraham believed God told him to leave one place and go into another place. What might happen in your life and home and neighborhood if you believed every going out and coming in was in answer to a call from God?

3.    Read or listen to Psalm 121. List the promises. Draw, dramatize, or dance them. Read them aloud together. Discuss.

4.    Read or listen to Romans 4:1-5, 13-17. Dig deep and let your conscience point out to you ways in which you tend to think God owes you something–for being good, for not giving God any trouble, for merely being here without your choice. How does Paul talk about this kind of debt? How do you feel about it? Listen to each other explore these ideas.

5.    Read or listen to John 3:1-17. Re-enact this dialogue, using the words from Scripture, and perhaps inserting more words from Nicodemus if you can think of any to break up the latter monologue by Jesus. What really was happening here, in communication, in conscience or heart work, in teachings about God? Discuss.


1. Calcular, ¿Cuántas veces entra o sale por la puerta en una semana? Discuta, qué  habría pasado, si cada vez que entró o salió se hubiera detenido a pensar y dar gracias a Dios.

2. Leer o escuchar Génesis 12:1-4. Abraham creyó que Dios le dijo que abandonara un lugar y se fuera a otro. ¿Qué podría suceder en su vida, en su hogar y en su vecindario, si creyera que cada salida y entrada es en respuesta a un llamado de Dios?

3. Leer o escuchar el Salmo 121. Enumere las promesas. Dibujar, dramatizar o bailar. Leerlas juntos en voz alta. Discutir.

4. Leer o escuchar Romanos 4:1-5, 13-17. Profundizar  y dejar que su conciencia le señale las maneras  en las que  suele  pensar que Dios le debe algo-por ser bueno, por no darle a Dios ningún problema,   por estar aquí simplememte sin ser tú elección.  ¿Cómo habla Pablo de este tipo de deuda? ¿Cómo se siente al respecto? Escucharse unos a otros  al explorar éstas ideas.

5. Leer o escuchar a Juan 3:1-17. Representar éste diálogo, usando las palabras de las Escrituras, y tal vez insertar más palabras de Nicodemo, si usted puede pensar en cualquiera que pueda romper éste último monólogo de Jesús. ¿Qué estaba sucediendo  realmente aquí, en la comunicación, en la conciencia, en el corazón,  en las enseñanzas acerca de Dios? Discutir.