How to Unplug the Fix it Quick App: Support Process!
- Details
- Last Updated: Saturday, 06 February 2021 00:36
- Published: Friday, 29 May 2015 12:52
- Written by Wilma Zalabak
The Fix It Quick App loops these messages: "I need to fix my life now because I can't take this anxiety any more." "If hunting more effort and data and certainty are the wrong answer, I need to stop them now; I don't have time for play or small decisions or adventure."
The Fix It Quick App insists on a quick solution from some new medication, technique, or program. Choosing to respond in ways that protect my room to choose, allowing differences, and supporting strengths seems overwhelming in the possible length of time before they will reduce anxiety.
Furthermore, in Systemic Anxiety, the system itself undermines any step to disable the apps. The system operates in cunning and confusing ways to re-install the apps in all my available connector ports. If I know this I can notice when it has happened and ask myself again, What do I really want?
To unplug the Fix It Quick App, support process! I can recognize when my apps have been re-installed. When I'm acting in the old irritable or placating or blaming ways, I can correct myself and go on knowing that lasting change in me will take time.
I can support process by recognizing earlier each time the efforts of the system to bring me back in. Then I can keep steady on course no matter what confusion swirls around me. At this point I am only beginning to change the system, and there is no quick fix.
To disable the seventh app that powers systemic anxiety, support process. Communication is a process. Personal growth is process. Changing a system is a process. I can ask myself, What would I need in order to endure and actually enjoy the process? Ask, What do I really want?
If the Fix It Quick App seems all-pervasive, making everything seem urgent and imperative, try inserting a small moment of waiting and pondering here or there. People used to do that by picking and lighting a cigarette. Now take a sip of water, or stretch the back, or take a deep breath, small bits to support process.
Some of the ideas in this article came from: Friedman, Edwin H. A Failure of Nerve: Leadership in the Age of the Quick Fix. New York: Seabury Books, 1999, 2007.
Copyright 2015 Wilma Zalabak
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