February 26, 2017, Lectionary
- Details
- Last Updated: Thursday, 02 March 2017 17:00
- Published: Saturday, 25 February 2017 10:28
- Written by Wilma Zalabak
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Moses entered into the cloud of the presence of God. This image captured my imagination and longing even as a child. Exodus 24:12-18
Interesting that Samuel is included with Moses and Aaron as having called on the name of the Lord and being answered. Psalm 99
Peter cited his experience on the mountain with Jesus as eyewitness evidence for the Gospel and the ancient Scriptures. 2 Peter 1:16-21
Peter's blurt on the mountain with Jesus showed two things: his character and how overwhelming was the glory of the Son. Matthew 17:1-9
Thoughts about Listening
Go where your kind heart leads you, though frightening or overwhelming. Exodus 24:12-18
Kings and kingdoms can topple. Remember, contemplate, depend on something higher. Psalm 99
Best be aware of one's own presuppositions. 2 Peter 1:16-21
There's a difference between being asked to keep a secret for a specified time, and being asked to hide something forever. Matthew 17:1-9
Bible Reading Group Homework
1. What was your deepest longing as a child? Tell about it and listen to others tell about theirs.
2. Read or listen to Exodus 24:12-18. Who saw God in this reading, and in the following chapters, especially Exodus 33:12 to 34:9? What was the human response to “seeing God”?
3. Read or listen to Psalm 99. Who else is cited here as those who call on God’s name and hear God’s answer? According to this psalm, what is the proper human response to hearing from God?
4. Read or listen to 2 Peter 1:16-21. Who is here claiming to have seen and heard the glory of Jesus and God? The claim is that this eyewitness experience validates something else. Discuss what is validated and how the reasoning goes.
5. Read or listen to Matthew 17:1-9. Who saw the glory of Jesus and God in this reading? List all who were present. Describe the human response. Dramatize, draw, or poeticize this human response. Tell and describe, if you wish, whether and when you have had a similar experience.
1. ¿De niño, cuál fué su anhelo más profundo? Cuente sobre eso, y escuche a los demás hablar de ello.
2. Leer o escuchar Éxodo 24:12-18. ¿Quién vió a Dios en ésta lectura y en los siguientes capítulos, especialmente en Éxodo 32:12 a 34:9? ¿Cuál fué la respuesta humana al "ver a Dios"?
3. Leer o escuchar el Salmo 99. ¿A quién más se cita aquí, que invocaron el nombre de Dios y oyeron su respuesta? De acuerdo con este Salmo, ¿Cuál es la respuesta humana apropiada al escuchar a Dios?
4. Leer o escuchar 2 Pedro 1: 16-21. ¿Quién está afirmando haber visto y oído la gloria de Jesús y de Dios? En esta experiencia, la afirmación del testigo ocular, valida algo más . Discuta lo que se está validando y cómo se razona.
5. Leer o escuchar Mateo 17:1-9. ¿En esta lectura, quién vió la gloria de Jesús y Dios? Haga una lista de todos los que estuvieron presentes. Describa la respuesta humana. Dramatizar, dibujar o hacer un poema, de esta respuesta humana. Si lo desea, diga cuándo y cómo fué que tuvo una experiencia similar.