December 25, 2016, Lectionary

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Walking in darkness, depression explosion, bloody clothing, fueled fire, some of the saddest images in Scripture, then . . . Isaiah 9:2-7

Strength, beauty, justice, truth,--these are the characteristics of God's reign. I'm pondering why beauty is included in that lineup. Psalm 96

Because Jesus came, and while expecting Him to come again, we can live with mindfulness, common sense, and God. Titus 2:11-14

It's fun to think about how fantastic and incredible the shepherds' story would have sounded wherever they told it ever after. Luke 2:1-20

Thoughts about Listening

I work best when I know why I am doing something, what my burning desires are, what motives move me. Isaiah 9:2-7

When I was a child, I thought the forests, fields, woods, and creeks talked to me. Did they quit talking? Or did I quit listening? Psalm 96

Hope and common sense. Don't let go of either for even a minute. They actually help each other. Titus 2:11-14

Some must tell and some must ponder. Both are needed. Luke 2:1-20

Bible Reading Group Homework

1.    Tell or act a story of how you or someone you know wakes up to a bright light or comes into sudden bright light after darkness.

2.    Read or listen to Isaiah 9:2-7. List and use your imagination to describe with detail, or draw and talk about, some of the experiences in the world before the light came.

3.    Read or listen to Psalm 96. List and use your imagination to describe with detail, or draw and talk about, some of the characteristics of God’s reign.

4.    Read or listen to Titus 2:11-14. List and use your imagination to describe with detail, or draw and talk about, some of the characteristics human life may have now between Jesus’ birth and Jesus’ second coming.

5.    Read or listen to Luke 2:1-20. Draw or dramatize the story. Don’t stop the story after the shepherds came to Jesus. Ponder what it must have been like for a shepherd to tell his or her story ever after this night. These were the first gospel preachers, emphasized as such in two verses, 17 and 20. What experience of yours is God asking you to tell today?


 1. Cuente o actúe una historia sobre cómo usted o alguien que usted conoce despierta por una luz brillante o como entra repentinamente a una luz brillante después de la oscuridad.

2. Leer o escuchar Isaías 9:2-7. Haga una lista, o dibuje usando su imaginación para describir con detalle,  y hablar sobre algunas de las experiencias en el mundo antes de que la luz llegara.

3. Leer o escuchar el Salmo 96. Haga una lista, o dibujar  y usando su imaginación para describir con detalle, y hablar sobre algunas de las características del reino de Dios.

4. Leer o escuchar Tito 2:11-14. Hacer una lista, o dibujar  usando su imaginación para describir con detalle,  y hablar sobre algunas de las características que puede tener  la vida humana entre el nacimiento de Jesús y la segunda venida de Jesús.

5. Leer o escuchar Lucas 2:1-20. Dibujar o dramatizar la historia. No detenerse en la historia  hasta después de que lo pastores vinieron a Jesús.  Reflexione sobre lo que debe haber sido para un pastor contar su historia después de esta noche. Éstos fueron los primeros predicadores del evangelio, enfantizados como tales,  en los versículos, 17 y 20. ¿Cuál es la experiencia propia que le está  pidiendo Dios que cuente hoy?