May 27, 2018, Lectionary

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When he saw God, Isaiah's response was to recognize and call out his shortfall. Thankfully there's always a remedy available in God's presence. Isaiah 6:1-8

All the Palmist asks is that the workers of wrong be caught in their own trap; he asks for neither overkill or his own involvement; and then he calls this God's righteousness, justice. Psalm 35

From defiant rebel and nose-thumbing outcast to intimately beloved daughter and richly trusted heir--who can comprehend the ways and works of God?!!! Romans 8:12-17

It might have been a word play on breath/spirit. You were born of mother's water and first breath. You must be reborn of baptism and the infilling of the Holy Spirit. John 3:1-17

Thoughts about Listening

Consider what mighty work we expect mere words, on invisible breath, to carry. Isaiah 6:1-8

Those who devise deceit against the quiet people destroy their own space. Psalm 35

The ways of communication in my childhood household are not the only ways of communication. There is hope. I can get into another world. Romans 8:12-17

If I could get back into a womb to come out again, where would I like to be born? I can choose to live according to some of that other world now. John 3:1-17

Bible Reading Group Homework

1.    Did you ever burn your tongue? Describe in your group your sensations and capabilities during and after burning.

2.    Read or listen to Isaiah 6:1-8. Dramatize or draw, or sing or dance, or just re-tell this story. Read aloud together the words spoken by Isaiah in this reading. Listen to each other’s voices.

3.    Read or listen to Psalm 35. How many ways can you find here for describing poetic justice? What do you think might keep a person praying these words from taking on personal involvement in acts of revenge?

4.    Read or listen to Romans 8:12-17. Describe what the Holy Spirit does, according to this reading. In a world of fractured families, bullying, and defiance or apathy toward God, how would these works of the Spirit be helpful?

5.    Read or listen to John 3:1-17. Who is speaking to whom, and what are their positions? Describe the moves and development of this conversation. At what points do you think Nicodemus would have been surprised? Puzzled? Resistant? Tell your group and listen to the others’ answers, What piece of this conversation is most important to you and why?


1. ¿Alguna vez se quemó la lengua? Describa a su grupo las sensaciones y capacidades durante y después haberse quemado.

2. Leer o escuchar Isaías 6: 1-8. Dramatize o dibuje, cante o baile, o simplemente vuelva a contar esta historia. Lea en voz alta las palabras pronunciadas en esta lectura por Isaías. Escuchar las voces de los demás.

3. Leer o escuchar el Salmo 35. ¿Cuántas maneras puede encontrar aquí para describir la justicia poética? ¿Qué cree que podría hacer que una persona que reza estas palabras no participe personalmente en actos de venganza?

4. Leer o escuchar Romanos 8: 12-17. Describa lo que según esta lectura hace el Espíritu Santo. En un mundo de familias fracturadas, intimidación y desafío o apatía hacia Dios, ¿cómo serían útiles estas obras del Espíritu?

5. Leer o escuchar Juan 3: 1-17. ¿Quién está hablando con quién, y cuáles son sus posiciones? Describa los movimientos y el desarrollo de esta conversación. ¿En qué puntos cree que Nicodemo se habría sorprendido? ¿Perplejo? ¿Resistente? Dígale a su grupo y escuche las respuestas de los demás. ¿Qué parte de esta conversación es más importante para usted, y por qué?