May 20, 2018, Lectionary

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They were gathered together with one purpose, to love one another. There was noise like wind and light like fire. They began witnessing effectively, and grapevine buzz brought the crowds. Pentecost. Acts 2:1-21

Looking around at the piles of broken dreams in my life, I can let the hand of the Lord be on me to show me the full extent of my brokenness and then to cause me to speak over them hope by the Holy Spirit. Ezekiel 37:1-14

Don't know how to pray? What to pray for? Just take time to picture and hear in your imagination the Holy Spirit choosing the things to pray for, for you, and adding the intonation, for God. Romans 8:22-27

Holy Spirit will convince of sin (not believing in Jesus), of righteousness (found only in Jesus), and of judgment (that the devil is defeated). John 15:26-27; 16:4-15

Thoughts about Listening

Seems to me that a requirement in elementary school that we learn several languages would make us more intelligent and wise. Acts 2:1-21

Will I choose to listen only to the brokenness or will I let the hope seep in? Ezekiel 37:1-14

Most of the time it's best to listen to what the other person thinks his or her needs are, rather than to presuppose or assume. Romans 8:22-27

I so often fail of remembering what I comprehended and of comprehending what I heard, that I ought to have some compassion on anyone else's communication difficulties. John 15:26-27; 16:4-15

Bible Reading Group Homework

1.    This year for Pentecost, try to name and discuss with someone six things the Holy Spirit does in our world today.

2.    Read or listen to Acts 2:1-21. Dramatize or draw, or sing or dance, or just re-tell this story. Tell experiences you have had with wind or fire. Ask God to renew the presence of the Holy Spirit in your life and in your church.

3.    Read or listen to Ezekiel 37:1-14. Again, dramatize or draw, or sing or dance, or just re-tell, this story. Read also Ezekiel 36:26-27, for another promise of what God’s spirit will do.

4.    Read or listen to Romans 8:22-27. Tell of a time when you wanted to pray but words wouldn’t come. How could this reading give courage for such a time?

5.    Read or listen to John 15:26-27; 16:4-15. Scan chapters 13-18 to get the setting for these readings. Who was talking to whom? Where were they? What was about to happen? What was the reason Jesus told them these things (v. 4)? Why was it necessary that Jesus go away (v. 7)? Of what three things will the Holy Spirit convince everyone (v. 8)? Of whom does the Holy Spirit speak (vv. 12-15)? Will you commit to asking God for the Holy Spirit this week, in your life, your family, your neighborhood, and your church?


1. Este año para Pentecostés, trate de nombrar y discutir con alguien seis cosas que el Espíritu Santo hace en nuestro mundo de hoy.

2. Leer o escuchar Hechos 2: 1-21. Dramatize, dibuje, cante o baile, o simplemente vuelve a contar esta historia. Cuente las experiencias que ha tenido con el viento o el fuego. Pídale a Dios que renueve la presencia del Espíritu Santo en su vida y en su iglesia.

3. Leer o escuchar Ezequiel 37: 1-14. De nuevo, dramatize, dibuje, cante o baile, o simplemente vuelva a contar esta historia. También lea Ezequiel 36: 26-27, para otra promesa de lo que el espíritu de Dios hará.

4. Leer o escuchar Romanos 8: 22-27. Cuente sobre un momento en el que quiso orar, pero las palabras no llegaron. ¿Cómo podría esta lectura darle valor para ese momento?

5. Leer o escuchar Juan 15: 26-27; 16: 4-15. Escudriñe los capítulos 13-18 para obtener el escenario de estas lecturas. ¿Quién estaba hablando con quién? ¿Donde estaban ellos? ¿Qué estaba a punto de suceder? ¿Cuál fue la razón por la cual Jesús les dijo estas cosas (v. 4)? ¿Por qué era necesario que Jesús se fuera (v.7)? ¿De cuáles tres cosas convencerá el Espíritu Santo a todos (v.8)? ¿De quién habla el Espíritu Santo (v 12-15)? ¿Se comprometerá esta semana a pedirle a Dios para que el Espíritu Santo entre en su vida, su familia, su vecindario y su iglesia?