October 1, 2017, Lectionary

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Last chapter it was food they complained about, and God gave them meat and bread. This chapter it's water, . . . Exodus 17:1-7

Where is it now? The rock that split. The river that flowed. Their memorials are in words, not statues or stuff. Psalm 78:1-4, 12-16

The sure cure for complaining: Be like Jesus in humility because it's all about His authority, not my entitlement. Philippians 2:1-14

They were thinking about their authority charts and channels while Jesus was about things to do without being "authorized." Matthew 21:23-32

Thoughts about Listening

Don't let anything cause you to doubt the presence of God. Exodus 17:1-7

Words make a more powerful legacy than stuff. Psalm 78:1-4, 12-16

When you catch yourself complaining, consider who has the authority to do something about it. Philippians 1:1-14

Personal authority is usually more effective than authority charts and structures. Matthew 21:23-32

Bible Reading Group Homework

1.    What were the rituals around drinking water as you were growing up? Well or tap or bottle? Special glass? How much?

2.    Read or listen to Exodus 17:1-7 and re-read Exodus 16:2-15 from last week. Compare the complaints and the lengths the people went to in their complaining. What did God do?

3.    Read or listen to 78:1-4, 12-16 and consider the power and effectiveness of words as legacy rather than statues or other memorials.

4.    Read or listen to Philippians 2:1-14. At the end Paul says, “Don’t murmur. Don’t complain.” What comes before that tells how it can be done, through imbibing the humility that was in Christ and honoring His authority. Read the passage aloud together.

5.    Read or listen to Matthew 21:23-32. What is the question about? Does Jesus answer their question? Then Jesus asks a question; what is Jesus’ question about? Do the first askers answer Jesus’ question? How can you choose Jesus’ authority more than that of other people in your life today?


1. ¿Cuáles eran los rituales cuando tomaba agua  mientras usted iba creciendo? ¿De pozo o de la llave o botella? ¿Vaso especial? ¿Cuánto?

2. Leer o escuchar Éxodo 17:1-7 y vuelva a leer de la semana pasada Éxodo 16:2-15. Compare las quejas y el tiempo que duraba la gente quejándose. ¿Qué hizo Dios?

3. Leer o escuchar 78:1-4, 12-16 y considere el poder y la eficacia de las palabras como herencia en lugar de estatuas u otros monumentos.

4. Leer o escuchar Filipenses 2:1-14. Pablo dice al final: "No murmuren. No se quejen". Lo que viene antes de eso nos cuenta cómo se puede hacer, a través de empaparse en  la humildad que está  en Cristo y honrar Su autoridad. Lean el pasaje juntos y en voz alta.

5. Leer o escuchar Mateo 21:23-32. ¿Cuál es la pregunta? ¿Jesús responde a su pregunta? Entonces Jesús hace una pregunta;  ¿Cuál  es la pregunta de Jesús? ¿Los primeros interrogantes responden a la pregunta de Jesús? ¿Hoy, podría  escoger la autoridad de Jesús en su vida, sobre la  autoridad de otras personas?