Romans 3:27-31

Romans 3:27-31

1.    After Paul’s meticulous rhetorical efforts to arouse and focus our feelings, energies, and radical agreement (Rom 3:21-26), after his ringing summation that mirrors and expands his theme statement (Rom 1:16-17), now he returns to a few final rhetorical questions in order to silence hecklers forever. What are the three rhetorical questions, and what are their answers?

2.     “Excluded” is not a popular word, used only twice in the New Testament. How is it used here in Romans 1:27 as compared to Galatians 4:17?

3.    Find the five instances, in this reading, of the word “law.” Notice differences in the nuances required for the various instances. This is all the same Greek word.

4.    What might the difference in the Greek prepositions used with “faith” mean in Romans 1:30: ek (from within, by means of) and dia (through, by means of)?

5.    “Circumcision” (cutting around) and “uncircumcision” (foreskin) come from different words in the Greek. Does this fact shed any light on Paul’s usage?

6.    What questions arise for you out of the reading of this text? What did you learn that was new to you, or a new way of looking at something? What does this text tell you about God and about yourself? About humans in general?

Wilma’s Notes:
3:27    1 Corinthians 1:29-31; 2 Corinthians 12:7-12; Galatians 6:14; Ephesians 2:9
3:28    Galatians 2:16; Titus 3:5
3:30    Deuteronomy 6:4; Galatians 3:8-20
3:31    Matthew 5:17