What Is Church?
- Details
- Last Updated: Wednesday, 28 August 2013 16:18
- Published: Wednesday, 28 August 2013 16:10
- Written by Wilma Zalabak
That's a good question, What is church? Is it a building? A meeting? A complex oganization? Local? Worldwide? Eternal? Members? A list of names? A family? A person? People agreed?
For simple foundation, Grace Chapel Fellowship adopts this understanding of church, excerpted from Neil Cole, Organic Church: Growing Faith where Life Happens (San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 2005), 53).
What is church?
- Church is "the presence of Jesus among His people."
What then is a church meeting?
- A church meeting happens whenever and wherever two or more people gather in Jesus' presence and mission, or name.
What happens at a church meeting?
- Listening to God through reading the Bible
- Talking to God through prayer
- Listening and talking with others gathered
Are there other things that might happen at a church meeting?
- Loving One Another
- Repentance and Belief
- Baptism
- Receiving the Holy Spirit
- Lord's Supper, Communion, Eating Together
- Giving and Helping
- Music
- Preaching
What might the attender experience at a church meeting?
- Smiles, touch, a listener, personal respect
- Feeling of contributing in some way
- Closeness to God
- Challenge to God's next step
- Sense of fitting into a bigger purpose