November 13, 2016, Lectionary

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I'm pondering "New." Is "new" always exciting and painless? New baby. New shoes. New president. New heaven and earth. Isaiah 65:17-25

God is my King. I will draw the water of salvation, as well as other necessities and largesses, from God's kingdom. Isaiah 12

When depression stalks, keep putting one foot in front of the other. "Be not weary in well-doing," said Paul. 2 Thessalonians 3:6-13

Jesus predicted opportunities to testify for Him before kings and rulers, in the midst of tough times. Luke 21:5-19

Thoughts about Listening

Many people anticipate a time more peaceful and just than now. Do something today to communicate that vision. Isaiah 65:17-25

When you have big joy, to whom and how do you tell about it? Or do you keep it quiet lest others be jealous of your joy? Isaiah 12

Back to work, quietly, each one for his or her own good and that of others. 2 Thessalonians 3:6-13

Remember, when bad things happen, they may actually turn out for the good. Luke 21:5-19

Bible Reading Group Homework

1.    Tell about it if you were ever a long-term dependable employee of a company during a change of management or ownership.

2.    Read or listen to Isaiah 65:17-25. Discuss whether “new” is always exciting and painless. New baby. New shoes. New president. New heaven and earth. What can you do to make a more peaceful neighborhood now?

3.    Read or listen to Isaiah 12. Describe, draw, or dramatize the third verse. Tell how you will bring this water into life today.

4.    Read or listen to 2 Thessalonians 3:6-13. Tell and listen to others tell what is your favorite part of this reading. Discuss.

5.    Read or listen to Luke 21:5-19. Read or scan the whole chapter to understand the setting in which Jesus said these words, and the progression of thought in this discourse. What did Jesus say or do in response to the affluence/poverty gap? List and discuss the sources from which Jesus said trouble would come. Compare verse 19 with verses 31-36 to discover and discuss what a person can do in times of trouble. Tell what you will do more or less of today because of this reading.


1. Diga si alguna vez ha sido un empleado de confianza por largo tiempo en alguna empresa durante un cambio de gestión o de dueño .

2. Leer o escuchar Isaías 65:17-25. Discutir si la palabra "nuevo", es siempre emocionante o fácil. Un bebé nuevo, zapatos nuevos, nuevo presidente, cielo nuevo, tierra nueva. ¿Que es lo que se puede hacer ahora para tener un vecindario más tranquilo?

3. Leer o escuchar Isaías 12. Decribir, dramatizar o dibujar el tercer versículo. Explicar cómo podría llevarse esta agua a la vida de hoy.

4. Leer o escuchar  2 Tesalonicenses 3:6-13. Compartir y escuchar a los demás sobre cuál es su parte favorita de ésta lectura. Discutir.

5. Leer o escuchar Lucas 21:5-19. Leer o escudriñar todo el capítulo para comprender el contexto en el que Jesús dijo estas palabra, y el progreso del pensamiento de este discurso. ¿Qué hizo y que dijo en respuesta a la brecha entre la riqueza/pobreza? Enumerar y analizar las fuentes en las que Jesús dice que podrían venir más problemas. Comparar el versículo 19, con los versículos 31-36, para descubrir y discutir lo que una persona puede hacer en tiempos difíciles. Diga lo usted podría hacer en la actualidad debido a esta lectura.