March 24, 2019, Lectionary

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Before Israel went to Jericho, God rolled away their sin and they ate the Passover. Did you know you can know God has rolled away your sin every time you take communion asking God for forgiveness? Amazing grace! Joshua 5:9-12.

When I'm willing to own my sin before God, I am forgiven, I can pray, I can learn and be counseled, and I can be glad and rejoice. Psalm 32

Strong language: "We beg you, be reconciled to God." Why: Because Christ took on the most excruciating burden so that we could be reconciled and made right. 2 Corinthians 5:16-21

Profound, radical, bottomless, extravagant. I was looking for words to describe the generosity of the father who had two sons. That's what "prodigal" means. Luke 15:1-3, 11-32

Thoughts about Listening

Preparation for a new endeavor might include checking in with a mentor, letting past failures roll off your back, and savoring the early fruit of the new endeavor. Joshua 5:9-12

Admitting my own faults and failures helps in some settings, and doesn't help in other settings. I want to find the settings where humility helps. Psalm 32

Please consider the word reconciliation and then consider with whom do you need reconciliation? 2 Corinthians 5:16-21

Listening as a gift, can go even to those considered undeserving. Listening as a gift is a benefit more to the other person than to myself. Luke 15:1-3, 11-32

Bible Reading Group Study Guide

1.    It’s okay to ask and receive God’s forgiveness even for something you feel you couldn’t have done better, and will probably do wrong again. Agree or disagree?

2.    Read or listen to Joshua 5:9-12. The name Gilgal is a way to write how the Hebrew word sounds. It means rolling and rolling. What was rolled away in this story? Do you know a song on this theme? If you do, sing it together.

3.    Read or listen to Psalm 32. What are some results of hiding your sin? What are some results of confessing your sin?

4.    Read or listen to 2 Corinthians 5:16-21. Paul’s intense request: Be reconciled to God. What would this mean in today’s world? Who makes this possible and how?

5.    Read or listen to Luke 15:1-3, 11-32. Scan the whole chapter and list some similarities between the three stories. There was no forgiveness asked or needed in the first two stories. How does forgiveness play out in the third story? Why do you think this story is different from the other two?


1.    Está bien pedir y recibir perdón de Dios incluso por algo que sientes que podrías haber hecho mejor y probablemente volverás a hacer mal. ¿Está de acuerdo o en desacuerdo?

2.    Leer o escuchar Josué 5: 9-12. El nombre Gilgal es una forma de escribir como suena una palabra hebrea. Significa rodar y rodar. ¿Qué es lo que fue quitado en esta historia? ¿Conoce una canción sobre este tema? Si la conoces, cántenla  juntos.

3.    Leer o escuchar el Salmo 32. ¿Cuáles son algunos resultados de esconder su pecado? ¿Cuáles son algunos resultados de confesar su pecado?

4.    Leer  o escuchar 2 Corintios 5: 16-21. La petición intensa de Pablo es: reconciliate con Dios. ¿Qué significaría esto en el mundo de hoy? ¿Quién lo hace posible y cómo?

5.    Leer o escuchar  Lucas 15: 1-3, 11-32. Revise todo el capítulo y enumere algunas similitudes entre las tres historias. En las dos primeras historias,  no hubo necesidad de dar perdón ni pedir perdón. ¿Cómo se representa el perdón en la tercera historia? ¿Por qué cree que esta historia es diferente de las otras dos?