February 25, 2018, Lectionary

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Twenty-four years after the first promise of children, Abraham's laughter need not have been in derision. It could have been engagement with a shared amusement. Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16

In Psalm 22, the turning point from pleading petition to praise lies in the phrase, "You have heard me," or "You answered me." What a relief there is in really being heard! Psalm 22:22-31

Paul milked the "Abraham believed God" phrase for all its worth, making at least six long verses out of the idea, verses as beautiful as poetry. Romans 4:13-25

Jesus commanded demons and forgave sins. I need some of that, not as He did, but as recipient of what He did. Mark 8:31-9:9

Thoughts about Listening

Name some uses of laughter: derision, mockery, incredulity, shared joke, surprise, delight, relief. Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16

Describe your feelings upon realizing in some instance that you have been deeply heard, that you have received the gift of listening, that some respectfully understands you in a new way now. Psalm 22:22-31

On a scale of 1-10, how much would you say you think about the language you use, the words and their arrangement? Romans 4:13-25

Most of us don't like to talk about our inner demons and sins, yet naming them does help: envy, pride, lust, unlove, inattention, irresponsibility, ingratitude, unforgiveness. Mark 8:31-9:9

Bible Reading Group Homework

1.    Describe an instance that illustrates the difference between laughing “at” someone and laughing “with” someone.

2.    Read or listen to Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16. Compare Genesis 12:1-7 and 15:1-6, and create a poem, drama, song, or dance to share with your group about Abraham trusting while he waits.

3.    Read or listen to Romans 4:13-25. Count and tell how many lessons Paul took from the story of Abraham and his trust in God.

4.    Read or listen to Mark 8:31-9:9. Over what two things did Jesus show authority in this reading? In each story, who contested His authority? Do these stories help you, or not help you, to trust Jesus more?

5.    Read or listen to Psalm 22:22-31. Read the whole psalm and find the turning point between pleading petition and praise. Find and tell the expression of trust in the first half and the description of God’s authority in the second half. Will you trust or kick against God’s authority in this earth?


1.    Describa un ejemplo que ilustre la diferencia entre "reírse" de alguien y reírse "con" alguien.

2.    Leer o escuchar Génesis 17: 1-7, 15-16. Comparar Génesis 12: 1-7 y 15: 1-6, y crear un poema, drama, canción o baile para compartir con su grupo sobre Abraham confiando mientras espera.

3.    Leer o escuchar Romanos 4: 13-25. Cuente y diga cuántas lecciones tomó Pablo de la historia de Abraham y su confianza en Dios.

4.    Leer o escuchar Marcos 8: 31-9: 9. ¿En esta lectura, en cuáles dos cosas mostró Jesús autoridad? En cada historia, ¿Quién impugnó su autoridad? ¿Éstas historias le ayudan, o no le ayudan, a confiar más en Jesús?

5.    Leer o escuchar el Salmo 22: 22-31. Lea todo el salmo y encuentre el momento crucial entre la petición suplicante y la alabanza. Encuentre y diga la expresión de confianza en la primera mitad y la descripción de la autoridad de Dios en la segunda mitad. ¿Confiará o protestará en contra de la autoridad de Dios en esta tierra?