September 10, 2017, Lectionary

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In God's judgment, there is no gloating over the gods of Egypt, much less over the people who suffered with them. Exodus 12:1-14

After 148 songs, the psalmist calls for a new song! What's your new song today? Psalm 149

Paul's struggle over the special calling of Israel (their "exceptionalism," one might say) finds one answer in his call for love. Romans 13:8-14

To come to agreement in prayer, there is an intentionality of talking and listening to each other in the church. Matthew 18:15-20

Thoughts about Listening

Seems like much of the Old Testament is about remembering. To remember they talked and sang and wrote about it. Exodus 12:1-14

It takes some humility to listen well, but it's well worth it for the joy that listening brings to others. Psalm 149

Love one another. Listen to one another. Let honesty rule the day. Romans 13:8-14

Listening to those we have hurt is never easy, but love requires it. Matthew 18:15-20

Bible Reading Group Homework

1.    Tell your group about a time when good communication paid off for you.

2.    Read or listen to Exodus 12:1-14. These are detailed instructions for the future celebration of the Passover, given in the midst of busy preparations to evacuate. How do you think the people who first heard the instructions felt about them?

3.    Read or listen to Psalm 149. Sing a short song of praise to God together.

4.    Read or listen to Romans 13:8-14. In one word Paul summarized, and then repeated it twice, what it means to keep the law of God. What is that word? How does it work?

5.    Read or listen to Matthew 18:15-20. Find the two parts of the reading: the communication part and the prayer part. Do you see the emphasis on talking and listening in the first part? What might this have to do with the second part, the coming to agreement in what we ask God for in prayer? Will you determine today to set up some time specifically to talk and listen to one another and then to pray together?


1. Cuente a su grupo acerca de un momento en que la buena comunicación dió sus frutos.

2. Leer o escuchar Éxodo 12:1-14. Estas son las instrucciones detalladas que fueron dadas para la futura celebración de la Pascua, en medio de los preparativos necesarios para evacuar.  ¿Cómo cree que se sintieron las personas escucharon por primera  vez las instrucciones?

3. Leer o escuchar el Salmo 149. Canten juntos un pequeño canto de alabanza a Dios.

4. Leer o escuchar Romanos 13:8-14. Pablo resumió en una palabra lo que significa guardar la ley de Dios,  repitiéndolo dos veces más. ¿Cuál es esa palabra? ¿Cómo funciona?

5. Leer o escuchar Mateo 18:15-20. Encuentre las dos partes de la lectura: la parte de la comunicación y la parte de la oración. ¿En la primera parte puede ver el énfasis en hablar y escuchar? ¿Qué podria tener que ver esto con la segunda parte, el llegar a un acuerdo en lo que le pedimos a Dios en oración? ¿Va a determinar hoy tomarse un tiempo específico para hablar y escuchar a los demás y luego rezar juntos?