June 4, 2017, Lectionary

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I wonder what kept the other two from going to church that day, the day the Holy Spirit was handed out. Numbers 11:24-30

You, God, give food when needed. When You give we gather, and are satisfied. What if someone is not satisfied? Psalm 104:24-35

Geographical language differences are not the only hurdles the Holy Spirit will overcome for good communication. Acts 2:1-21

The Holy Spirit somehow aids our forgiveness to bubble up generously. Sir, give me this water. John 20:19-23; 7:37-39; 4:10-15

Thoughts about Listening

What could keep you from receiving the blessing of family on this memorial day? Is it worth it? Numbers 11:24-30

I wish today, for happy and satisfying work, for all who see these words. Psalm 104:24-35

Good communication requires listening and speaking, both immersed in humility, respect, and taking turns. Acts 2:1-21

If I forgive generously, it doesn't mean I condone, collude, cover up, or comply. It means I free myself and my tight stomach. John 20:19-23; 7:37-39; 4:10-15.

Bible Reading Group Homework

1.    This is Pentecost Sunday, the time of the year when the evidences of the Holy Spirit were abundant among the followers of Jesus after His resurrection. Tell your group what are your best memories or knowledge about Pentecost?

2.    Read or listen to Numbers 11:24-30. This reading has great possibilities for dramatization. Give the two who failed to come to the meeting some good motives for doing so. What did they do when the Holy Spirit came to them?

3.    Read or listen to Psalm 104:24-35. Find the mention of the spirit in this reading; describe and discuss what He does.

4.    Read or listen to Acts 2:1-21. Catch the wonder, the astonishment, the joy, of hearing the speakers speak in your own heart language. When has this happened for you?

5.    Read or listen to John 20:19-23; 7:37-39; 4:10-15. What do people do as a result of receiving the Holy Spirit in John 20? Does forgiveness mean to condone, collude, cover up, or comply? What is the result of receiving the Holy Spirit in John 7? Draw or dramatize the story of John 4; show especially the pathos and longing of the woman as she said “Sir, give me this water.” Will you let that be your longing, too?


1. Éste es el domingo de Pentecostés, la época del año en que las evidencias del Espíritu Santo fueron abundantes entre los seguidores de Jesús después de su resurrección.  Diga a su grupo cuáles son sus mejores recuerdos o conocimientos sobre Pentecostés.

2. Leer o escuchar Números 11:24-30. Esta lectura tiene grandes posibilidades para la dramatización.  Hable de los dos que no llegarona la reunión, debieron tener buenos motivos para hacerlo. ¿Qué hicieron cuando el Espíritu Santo vino a ellos?

3. Leer o escuchar el Salmo 104:24-35. Encuentre en esta lectura la mención del espíritu, describir y discutir lo que hace Él.

4. Leer o escuchar Hechos 2:1-21. Atrape la maravilla, el asombro, la alegría de escuchar a los oradores hablar en tu propio lenguaje del corazón.  ¿Cuándo le ha ocurrido esto?

5. Leer o escuchar Juan 20:19-23; 7:37-39; 4:10-15. ¿En Juan 20,qué hace la gente como resultado de recibir el Espíritu Santo? ¿El perdón significa: condonar, coludir, encubrir, o compadecer? ¿En Juan 7, cuál es el resultado de recibir el Espíritu Santo? Dibujar o dramatizar la historia de Juan 4. Muestre especialmente el dolor y el anhelo de la mujer cuando dijo: "Señor, dame de esta agua". ¿Dejará usted que  también sea su anhelo?