April 23, 2017, Lectionary

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Peter spoke truth to power and influence. Peter voiced raw observation where it wasn't popular. Acts 2:14a, 22-32

Peter used David's words and announced they could not have been about David. I wonder how David felt when he wrote them. Psalm 16

Living in the resurrection is not just about a future inheritance, but also about joy beyond words right now. 1 Peter 1:3-9

To receive the resurrected Jesus is to receive peace, and to receive the Holy Spirit. John 20:19-31, compare John 14:26-27

John wrote in order that humans may believe. John  2:11, 23; 3:16, 36; 4:41-2; 6:69; 7:38; 9:35-38; 10:42; 11:45; 13:19; 14:29; 20:30-31; 1 John 5:13

Thoughts about Listening

In all our "I" language, saying "you" is sometimes necessary. Best use it in simple observation without shades of shame. Acts 2:14a, 22-32

When your right hand person also considers you his or her right hand person, is it face to face, back to back, or switching sides? Psalm 16

Just being present to listen is a gift, especially when feelings flow deeper or higher than words can express. 1 Peter 1:3-9

World peace must begin in our selves first, then in our families and communities, and in our organizations and corporations. John 20:19-31

Bible Reading Group Homework

1.    What is your favorite spring plant or flower? Research and tell your group about its life cycle.

2.    Read or listen to Acts 2:14a, 22-32. A few weeks prior Peter was lying and hiding from the religious-political leaders (see Luke 22:54-62; John 20:19). Now he publicly blamed them for the death of Jesus, whom God had honored. Describe what had happened and how it could make that difference in Peter.

3.    Read or listen to Psalm 16. What evidence did Peter use in Acts 2 to prove that these words cannot refer to David? Put yourself in the place of David composing this psalm. What do you think he was thinking or feeling at that time? Was he expecting to be raised from the dead like Moses? Or taken before death like Enoch? Or does this reflect the dream of immortality common among kings, but here based on trust in God?

4.    Read or listen to 1 Peter 1:3-9. List and describe all the benefits that Peter mentioned here, of living into the resurrection.

5.    Read or listen to John 20:19-31. Name and describe two things Jesus gave His disciples when he saw them after His resurrection. Compare John 14:26-27 and add to your description of these two things. What is your choice today about living into or denying the resurrection of Jesus?


1. ¿Cuál es su planta o flor favorita de primavera? Investigue e informe a su grupo sobre su ciclo de vida.

2. Leer o escuchar Hechos 2:14, 22:32. Pocas semanas antes, Pedro estaba mintiendo y se se escondió  de los líderes religiosos y políticos  (ver Lucas 22:54-62 y Juan 20:19). Ahora los culpaba públicamente  de la muerte de Jesús,  a quien Dios había honrado. Describa lo que había sucedido y cómo podría hacer una diferencia en Pedro.

3. Leer o escuchar el Salmo 16. ¿Qué  evidencia usó Pedro en Hechos 2 para probar que éstas palabras no pueden referirse a David? Póngase en el lugar de David componiendo este salmo. ¿Qué cree que estaba pensando o sintiendo en ese momento? ¿Esperaba ser resucitado de entre los muertos como Moisés? ¿O ser tomando antes de su muerte como Enoc? ¿O esto refleja el sueño de la inmortalidad común entre los reyes, pero  basado aquí  en la confianza en Dios?

4. Leer o escuchar 1 Pedro 1:3-9. Enumere y describa todos los beneficios que Pedro mencionó aquí, que Pedro mencionó aquí.

5. Leer o escuchar Juan 20:19-31. Nombre y describa dos cosas que Jesús les dió a sus discípulos cuando los vió después de Su resurrección. Compare Juan 14:26-27 y agregue a su descripción de estas dos cosas. ¿Hoy, cuál será  su elección, vivir o negar la resurrección de Jesús?