Four Ways Language Impacts Listening

The first way language impacts listening is in feedback. Listening is a process not a point, and requires feedback to gain the deepest understanding. The listener-turned-speaker does best to say "I" and exclude language and nonverbals of superiority.

The second way language impacts listening is in self-talk. The moment I say to myself something disrespectful, diminishing, or dismissive regarding the one speaking, that moment I shut down and withhold some part of my gift of listening.

One of the foundational tips to better listening is to find a listener for myself, to receive the gift in order to give it better. The third way language impacts listening is that the way I talk signals my readiness, or not, to work rewardingly with such a listener.

The fourth way language impacts listening is that the listener gets to choose the kind of content to which to give the gift of listening. If the listener has decided not to listen to gossip or abuse, the language itself may sound the alert and shut down the gift.

Copyright 2014 Wilma Zalabak