November 8, 2020, Lectionary

Joshua said today is the day to choose. Today, this moment, you can declare your preference. Your will is strong today. Suppose you know that declaring your preference won't change an outcome. But it will change you. Joshua 14:1-3, 14-25

By stories, sayings, and praises we will speak of the the law of God, so the generations to come may hope in God, not forget his works, and keep his commandments. Psalm 78:1-7

Paul's way of talking about death was as a simple falling asleep, to be awakened by the sound of God's trumpet when the Lord descends from heaven, so we can be together with the Lord forever. There's comfort in this. 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

How many places do you have stashed a charging cord for your phone? Or do you keep one in your pocket or your purse? The bridesmaids whom Jesus called wise stashed oil for their lamps. Matthew 25:1-13

Thoughts about Listening

No matter what happens or who fails, your choice, your preference, your will is still the same, until you change it. Joshua 14:1-3, 14-25

Learning how to speak without raising defenses in the other, and learning how to listen without becoming defensive would be happy skills right about now, I think. Psalm 78:1-7

In some troubles, the greatest comfort lies in simply finding a good listener. 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

Since it's not easy to do good listening once I've been shut out, my usual mode is to plan and act so as to keep from being shut out. Matthew 15:1-13