April 26, 2020, Lecctionary

With many words, Peter witnessed to and pleaded with the people. I know some people have ready words, but I have to work and think to get the words I need. I'm glad Peter left for us many words. Acts 2:36-41

God listens, leans in his ear, and that is motivation enough for the Psalmist to keep calling on God. Psalm 116

Fervently, constantly, sincerely, love one another, in a born again way, because of the word of God. 1 Peter 1:17-25

Jesus interpreted for them the Scriptures which at that time included Moses, the Psalms, and the prophets, still a marvelous source for our reading and interpretation. Luke 24:13-35

Thoughts about Listening

When you're at the lectern, at your turn to speak, it's best to continue to listen to your audience, noticing their body language, facial features, and eye contact. Acts 2:36-41

Some like to be with the one who is the "life of the party." Some like to be with the one who listens well. Psalm 116

Listening with attentive focus, present eyes, and no agenda except to listen well, someone says this is love. 1 Peter 1:17-25

I chose my pet's nutrition, I choose my body's nutrition, I choose my mind's nutrition. Luke 24:13-35