May 12, 2019, Lectionary

Among the disciples, there was one whom, upon her death, people mourned as a helper of the poor. Acts 9:36-43

With Mother's Day near, do any of the rest of you see likenesses between what a shepherd does and what a mother does? If so, then would not knowing God as our shepherd also be knowing something of God's feminine side? Psalm 23

It always amuses me that the lamb is the shepherd. The word translated in the KJV, "feed," could also be translated, "shepherd," as a verb. Revelation 7:9-17

Jesus says he knows his sheep and they follow him. He knows me, yes, but am I like an open book to him, or do I try to stick some pages together or hide some little line thinking he won't see? To follow him I'll be the open book to him. John 10:22-30

Thoughts about Listening

Listening to the needs of others can feel overwhelming if I tend to take on everything or feel guilty if I don't. But I can give listening and still choose which needs among them I will take on. Acts 9:36-43

Taking care of animals and listening for their needs is great training for children. Psalm 23

How do you listen to a crowd? I learn a lot by just quietly listening while everyone else talks. Revelation 7:9-17

The one who knows me and listens still is the one to keep. John 10:22-30