April 28, 2019, Lectionary

After Resurrection Sunday, we turn to how the Holy Spirit wants to work in us and in our churches, the Holy Spirit whom God gives to those who obey God rather than people. Acts 5:27-32

I'm invited to praise the Lord in God's sanctuary and power, for God's mighty acts and excellent greatness. That's enough to keep me praising for some time! Psalm 150

My picture is somewhat like me washing my dog. Jesus holds me gently while he dips his blood all over me, to wash me from my sins. Amazing grace! Revelation 1:4-8

John's purpose in writing was so the reader can believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God and can have life through that believing. John 20:19-31

Thoughts about Listening

Sometimes it helps me to list all the people and life laws and spirituality leads that I obey, look at them, and decide their hierarchy. Acts 5:27-32

There are some things I have to be saying as long as I have breath. Psalm 150

A well-crafted story has a beginning and an ending. Daily life and the communication it requires are not often so clearly begun and ended. Revelation 1:4-8

Having a clear purpose in my talking and listening helps me to communicate better. John 20:19-31

Bible Reading Group Study Guide

1.    Are there some people with whom it seems easier to communicate that with others? Discuss the reasons for this.

2.    Read or listen to Acts 5:27-32. How did the name of Jesus help or hinder communication? Peter said we ought to obey God rather than humans. What additional communication help does God give to those who obey God?

3.    Read or listen to Psalm 150. List the items from this psalm that might help or enhance the communication of God’s praise.

4.    Read or listen to Revelation 1:4-8. Give some praise today to the one who loved us, washed us from our sins, and made us kings and queens in the sight of God.

5.    Read or listen to John 20:19-31. Consider and discuss what does it take for you to believe something? You found it online or in the news? Your parents or the pastor told you? You have to touch or taste it yourself? You use strategies of logic and analysis? You believe it if it feels right, or resonates with you?

May 5 Bible Readings:
● Acts 9:1-20  ● Psalm 30
● Revelation 5:11-14  ● John 21:1-19