April 21, 2019, Lectionary

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God already did a new thing in giving Jesus to die for us, and God's plan is a place where there is no hurt or destruction anywhere. I want my words, actions, and listening to lead in that direction. Isaiah 65:17-25

Perhaps the most fascinating thing about God is that God's listens, turns God's ear toward us, even if we can't see any other action in response to our prayers. Psalm 116:1-2; 118:1-2, 14-24

It is a privilege to be witnesses. Not everyone saw Jesus after the resurrection. Acts 10:34-43

The two men in shining clothes said, "Remember how he told you." And they "remembered his words." In the morning I put his words in my mind, and throughout the day, remembering his words helps me believe and tell. Luke 24:1-12

Thoughts about Listening

How new would it be for you if no one in all your family and business connections ever wanted to hurt or take advantage of another person? Isaiah 65:17-25

Sometimes just giving full attention makes all the difference for the other person. Psalm 116:1-2; 118:1-2, 14-24

Listen to what you hear today. No one else sees and hears what you see and hear. Acts 10:34-43

How pleasant are the long-time friendships who can say together, "Remember when . . ." Luke 24:1-12

Bible Reading Group Study Guide

1.    Tell about a drama production you saw or acted or helped produce, about Jesus’ death and resurrection.

2.    Read or listen to Isaiah 65:17-25. Realize that this was written to help people look forward to the coming of the Messiah the first time. How was Jesus’ death a new thing?

3.    Read or listen to Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24. What pieces of this reading do you recognize from previous hearings? What piece of this reading speaks most to you today?

4.    Read or listen to Acts 10:34-43. Notice which things Peter thought it important to tell about Jesus’ death and resurrection, not haunting details but the joy of seeing him afterward. Tell wherein is your joy in knowing Jesus.

5.    Read or listen to Luke 24:1-12. What part of this reading could you dramatize in your group? What will it take for you to remember God’s word, not just today but often throughout every day?


1.    Comente sobre una producción dramática que vio, actuó o ayudó a producir, sobre la muerte y resurrección de Jesús.

2.    Leer o escuchar Isaías 65: 17-25. Dese cuenta de que esto fue escrito para ayudar a las personas a esperar la venida del Mesías por primera vez. ¿Cómo es que la muerte de Jesús fue una cosa nueva?

3.    Leer o escuchar  el Salmo 118: 1-2, 14-24. ¿Qué piezas de esta lectura reconoce de textos anteriores? ¿Qué pieza de esta lectura le habla más hoy?

4.    Leer o escuchar Hechos 10: 34-43. Fíjese en las cosas que Pedro pensó que eran importantes de contar sobre la muerte y la resurrección de Jesús, no con detalles inquietantes sino con la alegría de verlo después. Diga dónde está su alegría al conocer a Jesús.

5.    Leer o escuchar Lucas 24: 1-12. ¿Qué parte de esta lectura podría dramatizar en su grupo? ¿Qué le hará recordar la palabra de Dios, no solo hoy sino a menudo a lo largo de todos los días?