March 10, 2019, Lectionary

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Israel was always to remember and recite their history and how the Lord had led them, especially when things were going well and they had achieved their goals. Deuteronomy 26:1-11

Today I make you, Lord, my refuge; you, the Most High, my home. I love you, I know your name, and I call to you. You will answer me, guard me, deliver and protect me. Psalm 91:1-2, 9-16

Believe he is risen. Confess he is Lord. Call on his name! He is generous to all who do this. Thanks, Paul, for these words. Romans 10:8b-13

In temptation, the first solution is "Get back to the Bible," not with someone else's quotes, not to find specific answers, but for personal and intense immersion in the thoughts and purposes of God. Luke 4:1-14

Thoughts about Listening

It's a good thing to remember and recite sometimes where you came from and the struggles milestones along the way to where you are now. Deuteronomy 26:1-11

I try to be careful not to make extravagant promises, because I like to be known as one who delivers well on her promises. Psalm 91:1-2, 9-16

Self-research: Do I talk and act what I believe? Romans 10:8b-13

Sometimes when I do something for the best reasons, it turns out to bring me more problems. Those are what will make me grow if I find very basic solutions to them. Luke 4:1-14

Bible Reading Group Study Guide

1.    Tell about a recent dry time in your life, when you felt like God was far away, life was hard, or you had no more goals in sight.

2.    Read or listen to Deuteronomy 26:1-11. Deuteronomy is Moses’ farewell sermon. He told them to recite the Lord’s dealings with them at what time in their lives? List and discuss the things they were to include in this recitation.

3.    Read or listen to Psalm 91:1-2, 9-16. According to this famous Psalm, what should the believer do? And what will God do?

4.    Read or listen to Romans 10:8b-13. Again, what will the believer do? And what will God do?

5.    Read or listen to Luke 4:1-14. Where was Jesus during this episode? For what purpose had he gone there? What happened there? Consider each temptation to understand what were the insinuations and persuasive factors. Consider each answer given by Jesus to understand how it responds to the specific temptation. What plan about these things will you make today?


1.    Cuente sobre algún momento reciente en su vida que haya sido seco, cuando sentía que Dios estaba muy lejos, la vida era difícil o no tenía más metas a la vista.

2.    Leer o escuchar Deuteronomio 26: 1-11. Deuteronomio es el sermón de despedida de Moisés. ¿En qué momentos de sus vidas, les dijo que recitaran con ellos los pactos del Señor? Haga una lista y discuta las cosas que debían incluir en esta recitación.

3.    Leer o escuchar el Salmo 91: 1-2, 9-16. Según este  famoso salmo, ¿qué debe hacer el creyente? ¿Y qué hará Dios?

4.     eer o escuchar Romanos 10: 8b-13. De nuevo, ¿qué hará el creyente? ¿Y qué hará Dios?

5.    Lee o escuchar Lucas 4: 1-14. ¿Durante este episodio, dónde estaba Jesús? ¿Para qué había ido allí? ¿Que paso ahi? Considere cada tentación de entender cuáles fueron las insinuaciones y los factores persuasivos. Considere cada respuesta dada por Jesús, para entender cómo responder a cada tentación específica. ¿Qué plan hará hoy sobre estas cosas?