February 3, 2019, Lectionary

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The call of Jeremiah has captured my imagination since my childhood. Rejection from others is irrelevant unless I let it cause me to reject my own calling from God. Jeremiah 1:4-10

In the Psalm known as the Psalm for old age, the psalmist claims the praise of God continually in his mouth. I want that for my old age. Psalm 71:1-6

In what we know as "The Love Chapter," the thing pictured is God's kind of love for us, empowering us to give that love to others. 1 Corinthians 13

Jesus pointed out how in the past God loved people who were not part of the "favored" or "dominant" culture. His mere statement of this fact raised murderous ire in the dominant culture. Luke 4:21-30

Thoughts about Listening

To what were you designated before you were born? If you have a clear sense of early direction in your life, you probably have a sense of quest to find and follow that direction. Finding a listener can help. Jeremiah 1:4-10

Thinking about how to end well, not just a bucket list, but how to leave a legacy I will choose, how to age out intentionally. Psalm 71:1-6

I ask myself, have I ever given a "gift" out of some motive opposite of love? 1 Corinthians 13

Remember a time you felt "passed over" and someone else got the prize you felt you deserved. How did you maintain or regain your equilibrium? Luke 4:21-30

Bible Reading Group Study Guide

1.    Tell about your sense of knowing what you’re here for. How strong is it? How long have you had it?

2.    Read or listen to Jeremiah 1:4-10. Put yourself in the place of Jeremiah in this story and imagine hearing God’s words to you. In your group tell, and listen to others tell, the feelings of this.

3.    Read or listen to Psalm 71:1-6. This is known as the Psalm for old age. Read it thinking of your grandparents or other older people. What do you think they feel about aging?

4.    Read or listen to 1 Corinthians 13. Did you know that this poet is describing God’s love for you? Compare this chapter with Psalm 19, which we read last week, where the poet describes God’s law. Discuss.

5.    Read or listen to Luke 4:21-30. Jesus pointed out how in the past God loved people who were not part of the "favored" or "dominant" culture. Describe and discuss how the people listening to him, as part of the “dominant” culture, felt.


1.    Hable sobre sus sentimientos de saber para qué está aquí. ¿Qué tan fuerte es? ¿Por cuánto tiempo lo ha tenido?

2.    Leer o escuchar Jeremías 1: 4-10. En esta historia, póngase en el lugar de Jeremías,  e imagine escuchar que las palabras de Dios son para usted. En su grupo diga, y escuche lo que otros dicen, los sentimientos sobre esto.

3.    Leer o escuchar el Salmo 71: 1-6. Esto se conoce como el salmo para la vejez. Léalo pensando en sus abuelos u otras personas mayores. ¿Qué cree que sienten sobre el envejecimiento?

4.    Leer o escuchar 1 Corintios 13. ¿Sabía que este poeta está describiendo el amor de Dios por usted? Compare este capítulo con el Salmo 19, que leímos la semana pasada, donde el poeta describe la ley de Dios. Discutir.

5.    Leer o escuchar Lucas 4: 21-30. Jesús señaló cómo en el pasado Dios amaba a las personas que no formaban parte de la cultura "favorecida" o "dominante". Describa y discuta cómo se sintieron las personas que lo escuchaban, como parte de la cultura "dominante".