January 27, 2019, Lectionary

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Ezra and Nehemiah and the Levites read the Torah and taught the people with the result that the people lifted hands and bowed heads and worshiped the Lord with faces to the ground. Sounds like effective teaching! Nehemiah 8:1-3, 5-6, 8-10

So let the thoughts of my heart and the words of my mouth, also the acts of my hands--be His art! Psalm 19

It is in church, as a committed part of a body, that your individual strengths will be best developed and used. 1 Corinthians 12:12-31

In the passage Jesus read to announce his mission, and which I sometimes take as the church's mission, all the elements there can be done or enhanced by giving the gift of listening. Luke 4:14-21

Thoughts about Listening

Maybe it would be wise for me to pay attention to what things I hear that move me to do something. Nehemiah 8:1-3, 5-6, 8-10

When something is so beautiful, so full of artistry, that its joy overwhelms you, what do you do with it? Psalm 19

If there is someone with whom you work like parts of the same body, this is a gift; cherish it. 1 Corinthians 12:12-31

Gift listening, graciously and open-handedly given, is good news to humble people, heals broken hearted people, and loosens shackles for people longing to soar. Luke 4:14-21

Bible Reading Group Study Guide

1.    How long has it been since your read something that Moses wrote? Tell of that experience.

2.    Read or listen to Nehemiah 8:1-3, 5-6, 8-10. List the actions described in this reading. Tell when you have done a similar action for each one you listed.

3.    Read or listen to Psalm 19. The middle part of this Psalm is about the same book Ezra and Nehemiah read to the people. When have you found joy and beauty in the first five books of the Bible?

4.    Read or listen to 1 Corinthians 12:12-31. Do you know people who are vastly different but who get along together beautifully? Try to imagine how each of the people listed here would react to the reading of the Old Testament. Discuss.

5.    Read or listen to Luke 4:14-21. Jesus was handed one of the Old Testament scrolls to read from for worship. Which scroll was it. Can you find the passage and read it from the Old Testament? Share you impressions. Are there urgent thoughts or actions that surface in you from this reading?


1.    ¿Cuánto tiempo ha pasado desde que leyó algo que escribió Moisés? Hable de esa experiencia.

2.    Leer o escuchar Nehemías 8: 1-3, 5-6, 8-10. Haga una lista de las acciones descritas en esta lectura. Indique cuándo ha realizado una acción similar para cada una de las que enumeró.

3.    Leer o escuchar el Salmo 19. La parte central de este Salmo es sobre el mismo libro que Ezra y Nehemías leen a la gente. ¿Cuándo es que ha encontrado gozo y belleza en los primeros cinco libros de la Biblia?

4.    Leer o escuchar 1 Corintios 12: 12-31. ¿Conoce personas que son muy diferentes pero que se llevan muy bien juntas? Intente imaginar cómo reaccionarían a  la lectura del Antiguo Testamento cada una de las personas enumeradas aquí. Discutir.

5.    Leer o escuchar Lucas 4: 14-21. A Jesús le entregaron uno de los rollos del Antiguo Testamento para que lo leyeran en la adoración. ¿Qué pergamino era? ¿Puede el encontrar el pasaje del Antiguo Testamento  y leerlo?  Comparta sus impresiones. A partir de esta lectura, ¿Hay pensamientos o acciones urgentes que surgen en usted?