December 23, 2018, Lectionary

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Bethlehem, small among towns in Israel, is known for the big thing God chose to do there. Look out world when God chooses to do something through someone small in their own eyes! Micah 5:2-5a

Shine forth, O Lord, shine your face on us. Bless us, keep us, be gracious to us, lift up your countenance on us, and give us peace. Psalm 80:1-7 reminds me of Numbers 6:24-26.

God prepared for him a body so he could come among us to do God's will from within humanity. Twice stated: "Lo, I come to do your will, O God." Hebrews 10:5-10

Put two first-time pregnant women in a room, and creativity abounds! Even the first-trimester baby gets in a new kick. For these two women who worship God, love abounds. Luke 1:39-55

Thoughts about Listening

I get in mind someone I consider to be a great person. I do some research and learn that this person came from troubled circumstances or had a great setback or sadness out of which grew something better. Micah 5:2-5a

There is a difference between doing a favor with rolled eyes and audible sighs, and doing that favor as if it is a delight to be able to do something loving for that person. Psalm 80:1-7

A settled purpose in life, the real reason I'm here, what I came here for, is good to know. Hebrews 10:5-10

Is there a place you know where love abounds? Where love distills from the air on you? Where love is so thick in the room that you feel it on entering? Forgiving, unconditional, creative love. Luke 1:39-55

Bible Reading Group Study Guide

1.    Describe the atmosphere in the room at your last baby shower. How does a pregnancy charge the air?

2.    Read or listen to Micah 5:2-5a. This is the promise from God to which the Jewish leaders turned in order to show where Jesus would be born. List and discuss the good things that would come to this town.

3.    Read or listen to Psalm 80:1-7. Discover and discuss the repeated phrases here. Why do you think they are important enough to repeat?

4.    Read or listen to Hebrews 10:5-10. Scan the context to learn of whom this reading speaks. Look in notes to discover from where it is quoted. Discuss what you learn.

5.    Read or listen to Luke 1:39-55. Describe the meeting of these two women. Scan the context to discover these women’s stories and why they were here. Like pregnancy changes everything, the presence of the Holy Spirit changes everything. Will you let God bring forth in you whatever God wishes?


1. Describa el ambiente en la habitación en su último baby shower. ¿Cómo un embarazo carga el aire?

2. Leer o escuchar Miqueas 5: 2-5a. Esta es la promesa de Dios hacia la que se dirigieron los líderes judíos para mostrar dónde nacería Jesús. Haga una lista y discuta las cosas buenas que vendrían a esta ciudad.

3. Leer o escuchar el Salmo 80: 1-7. Descubra y discuta las frases repetidas. ¿Por qué cree que son lo suficientemente importantes como para repetirse?

4. Leer o escuchar Hebreos 10: 5-10. Revise el contexto para saber de quién habla esta lectura. Busque en las notas para descubrir de dónde se cita. Discuta lo que ha aprendido.

5. Leer o escuchar Lucas 1: 39-55. Describa la reunión de estas dos mujeres. Revise el contexto para descubrir las historias de estas mujeres y por qué estaban aquí. Al igual que el embarazo lo cambia todo, la presencia del Espíritu Santo lo cambia todo. ¿Dejará que Dios traiga para usted lo que Él quiera?