November 11, 2018, Lectionary

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After a series of losses or traumatic events, when you start wondering if life can ever be worth anything again, Naomi's story can bring hope. Ruth 3:1-6; 4:13-17

The Bible says, and many of my friends agree, that children are a gift from the Lord. What do you say about a child who turns out to be hateful or even violent toward siblings and parents? Psalm 127

Sin and its consequences can be transferred from one person to another, from me to Jesus. This is a divine wonder which opposes the basic human cry for fairness. Hebrews 9:24-28

When Jesus has all of a person, including all resources down to the last mite, then he can use that person in new ways. Mark 12:38-44

Thoughts about Listening

A person who listens to a woman express her pain and stays anyway, might just make a world of difference. Ruth 3:1-6; 4:13-17

Inside one's own home might be the most difficult place to practice good listening, but it might also be the most important place. Psalm 127

Think of the last time you were shown mercy over a mistake. Then give that mercy to someone else today. Hebrews 9:24-28

I hope there is something or someone you value so much that you can be sure you would give your last dime for it, him, or her. Mark 12:38-44

Bible Reading Group Study Guide

1.    Are you a veteran or part of the military now? Thank you. If you’re not a veteran, find a veteran this week to thank.

2.    Read or listen to Ruth 3:1-6; 4:13-17. Re-tell the story of Naomi as a simple parable. She went out full and sweet and came back empty and bitter, changed from a married and cared for woman to a lonely widow. But Ruth loved her with God’s kind of love and grace, seeing Naomi into restoration and fullness again at the end of her life. What surprising source of help might be your “Ruth”? What would make your life full and worth living at the end?

3.    Read or listen to Psalm 127. This Psalm extols the blessing of having children, and many of them. Whether this Psalm makes you happy or sad, try to trust your group enough to discuss it with your own authentic feelings.

4.    Read or listen to Hebrews 9:24-28. What does it mean to you that “Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many”? Can sin really be transferred? Discuss.

5.    Read or listen to Mark 12:38-44. The widow was poor. Her purse was nearly empty. Yet she was not bitter, and gave the last of her resources to God. Jesus transformed her emptiness to a fullness of legacy left for future generations. Discuss how he did this.


1.    ¿Es un veterano o parte de el ejército? Gracias. Si no es un veterano, encuentre un veterano esta semana y dele las gracias.

2.    Leer o escuchar Ruth 3: 1-6; 4: 13-17. Vuelva a contar la historia de Noemí como una simple parábola. Salió llena y dulce y regresó vacía y amargada, pasó de ser una mujer casada y cuidada a una viuda solitaria. Pero Ruth la amó con la misma clase de amor y gracia de Dios, viendo a Noemí nuevamente en restauración y plenitud al final de su vida. ¿Cuál podría ser la sorprendente fuente de ayuda, ser tu "Ruth"? ¿Qué podría hacer su vida plena y hacer que valiera la pena al final?

3.    Leer o escuchar el Salmo 127. Este salmo exalta la bendición de tener hijos, y tener muchos de ellos. Ya sea que este Salmo le haga feliz o triste, trate de confiar lo suficiente en su grupo para discutirlo con sus sentimientos auténticos.

4.    Leer o escuchar Hebreos 9: 24-28. ¿Qué significa para usted que "una vez se ofreció a Cristo a llevar los pecados de muchos"? ¿El pecado realmente puede  ser transferido? Discutir.

5.    Leer o escuchar Marcos 12: 38-44. La viuda era pobre. Su bolso estaba casi vacío. Sin embargo, ella no estaba amargada, y le dio el último de sus recursos a Dios. Jesús transformó su vacío en un legado de herencia para las generaciones futuras. Discuta cómo hizo esto.