September 16, 2018, Lectionary

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It sounds like wisdom makes itself heard and abundantly available. I craved wisdom ever since my youth. I wonder why, then, do I make so many blunders and mistakes. Proverbs 1:20-33

Three ways by which to know God better,--through God's works in nature, in the Bible, and in the human heart. Psalm 19

I am to use my words, and let them be bridled and reined for best effect to God's glory. James 3:1-12

I can please Jesus by confessing who Jesus is to me. This, too, is only possible as a gift from God. Mark 8:27-38

Thoughts about Listening

There is more wisdom to be found in listening than in talking; that is, unless I have found a good listener with whom to talk something through. Proverbs 1:20-33

There is one thing better than listening to nature when human noises are silent, that is, doing this with another good listener. Psalm 19

If I could rein in my tongue a bit to allow and enjoy silent spaces in conversation, I might hear something hidden and honor by attention someone often overlooked. James 3:1-12

Today tell people you love who they are to you and what they mean to you. Mark 8:27-38

Bible Reading Group Homework

1.    Tell in your group of a time you have gained relief or insight just by talking with someone who listens.

2.    Read or listen to Proverbs 1:20-33. Wisdom in Solomon’s time meant gathering and applying maxims and witty sayings. How is wisdom personified here, and what does she do?

3.    Read or listen to Psalm 19. Reread enough that you can notice three different divisions of this poem. Talk about them together and make a heading for each section. Then read aloud together, listening to the voices blended in praising God.

4.    Read or listen to James 3:1-12. List the metaphors, or word pictures, used here to describe the use of our words. What do you think are the steps to letting one’s words be bridled and reined for best effect to God's glory?

5.    Read or listen to Mark 8:27-38. Compare Peter’s confession in John 6:66-71. In Mark it’s a quiet teaching moment after Jesus and the disciples had searched for and gained some privacy from the crowds. In John the privacy giving room for the question comes because the crowds have deserted Jesus, not liking His teachings. How will your words confess Jesus today?


1. Diga a su grupo sobre alguna vez que obtuvo alivio o comprensión, simplemente hablando con alguien que le escuche.

2. Leer o escuchar Proverbios 1: 20-33. En el tiempo de Salomón la sabiduría significaba reunir y aplicar máximas y dichos ingeniosos. ¿Cómo se personifica la sabiduría aquí, y qué hace ella?

3. Leer o escuchar el Salmo 19. Vuelva a leer lo suficiente como para que pueda notar tres divisiones diferentes de este poema. Hablen juntos sobre ellos y haga  un encabezado para cada sección. Luego, lean juntos en voz alta, escuchando las voces mezcladas en alabanza a Dios.

4. Leer o escuchar Santiago 3: 1-12. Enumere las metáforas, o imágenes de palabras, usadas aquí para describir el uso de nuestras palabras. ¿Cuáles cree que son los pasos para dejar que las palabras de uno sean refrenadas y retenidas para obtener el mejor efecto para la gloria de Dios?

5. Leer o escuchar Marcos 8: 27-38. Compare la confesión de Pedro en Juan 6: 66-71. En Marcos, es un momento de enseñanza tranquilo después de que Jesús y los discípulos buscaron y obtuvieran algo de privacidad de la multitud. En Juan, se abre la posibilidad de preguntarse si el tener esa privacidad se debe a que las multitudes han abandonado a Jesús ya que no les ha gustado sus enseñanzas. ¿Cómo confesarán sus palabras a Jesús el día de hoy?