September 9, 2018, Lectionary

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Those who are poor or troubled definitely have God's ear against those who bully and oppress them. Proverbs 22:1-2, 8-9, 22-23

Think of your nearest mountain. Look out at it if you can. Then remember that God is that firmly settled around those who trust in God. No human made tower could serve as a similar metaphor. Psalm 125

Classism is sin and makes one liable to merciless judgment. James 2:1-17

Pastor's dilemma: need of family time yet so many needs of the people with their accolades. Jesus' heart was nourished by a woman willing just quietly to pick up crumbs from his family time. Mark 7:24-37

Thoughts about Listening

I was taught not to pick on someone smaller than I. That means that if I think I'm something big, or if I'm blessed in some way, there are a lot of people I can't pick on. Proverbs 22:1-2, 8-9, 22-23

Kennessaw Mountain and Stone Mountain have flanked Atlanta for centuries, have seen many a tower and road come and go. I need something that settled around my spiritual life, too. Psalm 125

Rich or poor, at both extremes and all between, what most people need is a good listening to. James 2:1-17

Listening with respect to the other person, when he or she is talking as well as when I am talking, encourages reciprocal respect. Mark 7:24-37

Bible Reading Group Homework

1.    Tell in your group of a time you were bullied. Can you think of a time when you bullied someone else?

2.    Read or listen to Proverbs 22:1-2, 8-9, 22-23. If it could be said that God favors some people, what are the characteristics that God favors?

3.    Read or listen to Psalm 125. Kennessaw Mountain and Stone Mountain have flanked Atlanta for centuries, have seen many a tower and road come and go. God is like the mountains that surround Jerusalem, never changing in God’s love and care for those who trust in God. How are you increasing your trust in God today?

4.    Read or listen to James 2:1-17. If I treat people differently according to the amount of money they appear to have or not have, I sin and face God’s judgment. Name some other people differences that should not color how we treat people.

5.    Read or listen to Mark 7:24-37. She was poor, female, and of a different race, yet Jesus conversed with her and commended her for trusting him as master. Read the story several times then re-tell it through drama or drawing. Discuss who you think are the children in this story.


1. Cuente a su grupo sobre alguna vez que fue intimidado. ¿Puede pensar en un momento en el que intimidó a alguien más?

2. Leer o escuchar Proverbios 22: 1-2, 8-9, 22-23. Si pudiera decirse que Dios favorece a algunas personas, ¿cuáles son las características que Dios favorece?

3. Leer o escuchar el Salmo 125. Kennessaw Mountain y Stone Mountain han flanqueado Atlanta durante siglos, han visto muchas torres y caminos ir y venir. Dios es como las montañas que rodean a Jerusalén, nunca cambia el amor de Dios y se preocupa por aquellos que confían en Él. ¿Cómo está aumentando hoy su confianza en Dios?

4. Leer o escuchar Santiago 2: 1-17. Si trato a las personas de manera diferente según la cantidad de dinero que parecen tener o no, peco y me enfrento al juicio de Dios. Mencione algunas otras diferencias entre personas que no deberían dar un motivo a la forma en que tratamos a las personas.

5. Leer o escuchar Marcos 7: 24-37. Era pobre, mujer y de una raza diferente, sin embargo, Jesús conversó con ella y la felicitó por confiar en él como maestro. Lee la historia varias veces y vuelve a contarla a través del drama o el dibujo. Hable de quién crees que son los niños en esta historia.