April 8, 2018, Lectionary

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The next work of this Jesus, having been raised from the dead and exalted to the right hand of God, is to pour on His people the Holy Spirit. Acts 2:32-35

God blessed them with enough means to care for each other and for the advancement of the gospel. Acts 4:32-35

Sibling unity is like God's anointing oil spreading and refreshing. Free association from unity brings me to love, listening, and the Holy Spirit. Zachariah 4 is another place the Holy Spirit is mentioned in connection with oil. Psalm 133

For someone to whom I wish fullness of joy, I think the letter labeled "1 John" would be a magnificent gift. 1 John 1:1-2:2

The disciples were glad when they saw the Lord. This is still the best statement of my joy in Jesus. I find I can "see" by Holy-Spirit-assisted reading or observing of the Bible, nature, history, experience, and trying of different ways of thinking. John 20:19-31

Thoughts about Listening

Listen in the other person's language. Acts 2:32-35

Cultivating sibling love, listening, and unity would go a long ways toward healing our world. Psalm 133

Love, light, life, listening, and laughter. These words simply roll off the tongue. For me, they are wave after wave of joy. 1 John 1:1-2:2

If there is someone whose presence in the room makes me happy just by their being there, perhaps the best gift I could give that person is some good gift listening. John 20:19-31

Bible Reading Group Homework

1.    What is your favorite spring flower or blossom, and why?

2.    Read or listen to Acts 4:32-35. How did God provide for the needs of the group of people who had been so shaken by the execution of their leader and the news of his resurrection?

3.    Read or listen to Psalm 133. This is a picture of sibling unity, not united against a foe, but united in living together. Try to let your mind imagine and your words tell what would be the effects of a total wipeout of all sibling rivalry on earth.

4.    Read or listen to 1 John 1:1-2:2. In this introduction of the letter, the themes of life, love, laughter, and light, are introduced. Scan the rest of the letter to find the opposites to these words as John placed them.

5.    Read or listen to John 20:19-31. How did they feel when they saw the Lord? And what did they receive? Tell of various means the Holy Spirit uses to help you “see” Jesus. Draw, dance, or dramatize this entire reading, from the reception of Jesus by some to the confession of Jesus by one. How would you put into words today just who Jesus is to you?


1.    ¿Cuál es tu flor o florecimiento de primavera favorito, y por qué?

2.    Leer o escuchar Hechos 4: 32-35. ¿Cómo suplió Dios las necesidades del grupo de personas que habían sido sacudidas por la ejecución de su líder y la noticia de su resurrección?

3.    Leer o escuchar el Salmo 133. Esta es una imagen de unidad entre los hermanos, no unidos contra un enemigo, sino unidos en la convivencia. Trate de dejar que su mente se imagine y sus palabras digan cuáles serían los efectos de una extinción total de toda rivalidad entre hermanos en la tierra.

4.    Leer o escuchar 1 Juan 1: 1-2: 2. En esta carta, la introducción presenta los temas de la vida, el amor, la risa y la luz. Revise el resto de la carta para encontrar los opuestos a estas palabras donde Juan las colocó.

5.    Leer o escuchar  Juan 20: 19-31. ¿Cómo se sintieron cuando vieron al Señor? ¿Y qué recibieron? Cuéntenos sobre varios medios que usa el Espíritu Santo para ayudarlo a "ver" a Jesús. Dibuje, baile o dramatize toda esta lectura, desde la recepción de Jesús por algunos hasta la confesión de Jesús por uno. ¿Hoy cómo describiría las palabras de quién es Jesús para ti?