March 11, 2018, Lectionary

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They had a bad attitude until something worse came their way. Then they repented, "We have sinned." How easy or likely is it that a group of people would say, "We have sinned"? Numbers 21:4-9

In Psalm 27, there are quite a few allusions to events in Moses' life. They are not easy to find, but they are fun to notice.

By grace we've been saved, through faith, as a gift. Saved from unsurrendered passions and desires, saved from a lack of God's favor. Ephesians 2:1-10

We were condemned already, folks. Jesus doesn't bring the condemnation. The religion of Jesus releases us from the already-condemnation. John 3:14-21

Thoughts about Listening

Parents used to say, "Stop complaining or I'll give you something to complain about." Does it work? Numbers 21:4-9

When my coach and I agree I will do something, it is best that I repeat the insight back to my coach and then focus on following through. Psalm 27

If it's really a gift, I didn't earn it and I can't repay it. I choose to put my pride in my pocked and live with joy amidst all the gifts that surround me. Ephesians 2:1-10

To get heard by an indifferent target is the ancient quest, and the post-modern marketing obsession. In order to give the gift of listening, one makes an end-run around the frenzy of the obsession to get heard. John 3:14-21

Bible Reading Group Homework

1.    Since 2001, this has been called the age of anxiety. Name and describe something of which you are afraid.

2.    Read or listen to Numbers 21:4-9. Re-tell this story in your own words. What were they afraid of and what was the solution? This was an epidemic of mass death.

3.    Read or listen to Psalm 27. Can you find mentions here that remind you of instances in David’s life before he was king? Or in Israel’s life when the nation was young? Compare Exodus 15:2, and Revelation 7:10 and 19:1 with Psalm 27:1. Does the word “salvation” mean the same thing in each case? Have you made a decision similar to the one in Psalm 27:4?

4.    Read or listen to Ephesians 2:1-10. My salvation lies not in what I can do. Have you experienced peace and hope in Jesus way beyond what you could do to help yourself?

5.    Read or listen to John 3:14-21. Tell who are the characters in conversation here. Jesus indicates that salvation lies not in our being born into the right family or the right faith. We need new birth, which only Jesus can effect. How does Jesus re-tell the story of the snakes from Numbers 21:4-9? Have you made a decision, or set a preference, regarding where you will turn your primary attention in life? Would you do that today?


1.    Desde el 2001, a esta época se le ha llamado la época de la ansiedad. Nombre y describa algo a lo que le tiene miedo.

2.    Leer o escuchar Números 21: 4-9. Vuelva a contar esta historia con sus propias palabras. ¿De qué tenían miedo y cuál era la solución? Esta  fue una epidemia de muerte masiva.

3.    Leer o escuchar el Salmo 27. ¿Puede encontrar aquí, menciones  que le recuerden momentos en la vida de David antes de que él fuera rey? ¿O en la vida de Israel cuando la nación era joven? Compare Éxodo 15: 2, y Apocalipsis 7:10 y 19: 1 con el Salmo 27: 1. ¿La palabra "salvación" significa lo mismo en cada caso? ¿Ha tomado una decisión similar a la del Salmo 27: 4?

4.    Leer o escuchar  Efesios 2: 1-10. Mi salvación no radica en lo que puedo hacer. ¿Ha experimentado paz y esperanza en Jesús más allá de lo que podría hacer para ayudarse a sí mismo?

5.    Leer o escuchar Juan 3: 14-21. Diga quiénes son los personajes en esta conversación. Jesús indica que la salvación no radica en que si nacemos en la familia correcta o en la fe correcta. Necesitamos un nuevo nacimiento, que solo Jesús puede efectuar. ¿Cómo es que Jesús vuelve a contar la historia de las serpientes de Números 21: 4-9? ¿Ha tomado una decisión o establecido una preferencia con respecto a dónde dirige su principal atención en la vida? ¿Haría eso hoy?