January 7, 2018, Lectionary

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I ask myself how many distinctions God wants to insert into my new year in order to organize and categorize for goodness and fruitfulness. Genesis 1:1-5

Although Psalm 29 pictures the voice of God as powerful for storms, earthquakes, and floods, in reading it, I feel as if I've been in the presence chamber and heard the most intimate voice of God.

They had formed a group to maintain new information important to them. Then some more new information came and they were able to be open to that also. Acts 19:1-7

I've seen two baptized together, siblings, friends, spouses. That's my mind picture of Jesus' baptism for today, me with Him. Mark 1:4-11

Thoughts about Listening

Perhaps one of the benefits of New Year's Resolutions is the naming and categorizing of the pieces of our dreams. Genesis 1:1-5

Since there is such presence and power in the voice, the wise choice will be to take care of my voice and select well its uses. Psalm 29

It is important to ask and listen to the answer, both about current thinking and advancement AND about new information no matter how apparently intrusive. Acts 19:1-7

Is shouting a good way to get your message across? Or do you try to find more creative ways? Mark 1:4-11

Bible Reading Group Homework

1.    Choose two people you know well and try to describe their voices, not what they say, but how their voices work.

2.    Read or listen to Genesis 1:1-5. List ten things you think are good (besides God). Tell in your group if and how you think God might have had something to do with bringing these good things to you.

3.    Read or listen to Psalm 139. Tell what you know of your own birth story. Tell in your group if and how you think God might have had something to do with bringing the unique you into this world.

4.    Read or listen to Acts 19:1-7. Scan the surrounding context in Acts and discuss how open these men were to new ideas, and what attitudes they may have had to cultivate for this openness. What were the rewards of stepping into the new?

5.    Read or listen to Mark 1:4-11. Create and perform drama, dance, or drawing of this story. Or research art done through the centuries about this story. In your art, can you stay within the story in Mark? Or will you add in elements from the stories in Matthew 3:13-17 and/or Luke 3:21-22? What will you do this week to get ready to hear God’s voice in your life?


1. Elija dos personas que conozca bien y trate de describir sus voces, no lo que dicen, sino cómo funcionan sus voces.

2. Leer o escuchar Génesis 1: 1-5. Enumere diez cosas que cree que son buenas (además de Dios). Cuéntele a tu grupo si  cree y cómo piensa que Dios pudo tener algo que ver con traerle estas cosas buenas.

3. Leer o escuchar el Salmo 139. Diga lo que sabe de su propia historia de nacimiento. Cuéntele a su grupo si cree y cómo piensa que Dios pudo tener algo que ver con traer al mundo a usted como una persona única.

4. Leer o escuchar Hechos 19: 1-7. Examine el contexto circundante en Hechos y analice cuán abiertos estaban estos hombres a las ideas nuevas y qué actitudes debieron cultivar para esta apertura. ¿Cuáles fueron las recompensas de entrar en lo nuevo?

5. Leer o escuchar Marcos 1: 4-11. Crear y ejecutar un drama, baile o dibujo de esta historia. O investigue el arte a través de los siglos sobre esta historia. En su arte, ¿Puede quedarse dentro de la historia de Marcos? ¿O agregará elementos de las historias en Mateo 3: 13-17 y / o Lucas 3: 21-22? ¿Qué hará esta semana para prepararse para escuchar la voz de Dios en su vida?