August 6, 2017, Lectionary

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I am Jacob: responsibilities, afraid, defensive, tired, crippled, finally admitting my misshapen identity. May I also be Israel. Genesis 32:22-31

The Hebrew behind "steps" is related to "blessed," and means decisions along a path of right and full relationship with God. Psalm 17:1-7, 15

Romans 9:1-5 expands Romans 3:1-2, showing respect for the Israelites as the channel God chose for God's law and Messiah.

I wonder why it's not easy for me to picture myself as one of that crowd. Did I tell lots of people? Did I keep a piece of the bread? Matthew 14:13-21

Thoughts about Listening

If we're defensive today, some pondering might be in order to discover the deeper things that keep us in fear and away from listening. Genesis 32:22-31

Relationship, friendship, communication, community, whatever I make more important than these will betray my hopes. Psalm 17:1-7, 15

The older ones are to be respected as the bringers of our heritage and legacy. We may change directions but not call it superior. Romans 9:1-5

Habits of listening will enhance the orderly accomplishment of any project of event. Matthew 14:13-21

Bible Reading Group Homework

1.    Tell a story of resurrection for you: springtime, up from a sickbed, thinner living, happy career move, etc.

2.    Read or listen to Genesis 32:22-31. List together what might have been on Jacob’s mind when the antagonist came. What might he have assumed about the antagonist’s identity and purpose? In stating Jacob’s own name, what might he have admitted about his own identity and abilities? What did Jacob always have with him into his new life after release?

3.    Read or listen to Psalm 17:1-7, 15. Discover ways this psalm could or not have been a prayer of Jacob’s on that night.

4.    Read or listen to Romans 9:1-5. Jacob and progeny became Israel. Paul gives several historic reasons why Israel should be valued. How do you feel about Jacob living his whole life without knowing the ways he would benefit God’s kingdom?

5.    Read or listen to Matthew 14:13-21. Compare verse 19 with Matthew 26:26. What is similar or different between the too occasions. Draw, dance, or dramatize this story. Where are you in the story? What will you do when you leave the story?


1. Cuente una historia que   para usted sea de resurrección: primavera, levantarse de una enfermedad, un movimiento en su carrera, etc.

2. Leer o escuchar Génesis 32:22-31. Haga una lista de lo que pudo haber pasado por la mente de Jacob cuando llegó el antagonista. ¿Qué podría haber asumido sobre la identidad y el propósito del antagonista? Al declarar Jacob propio nombre, ¿qué podría haber admitido acerca de su propia identidad y habilidades? ¿En su nueva vida después de la liberación, qué es lo que tenía Jacob con  él siempre?

3. Leer o escuchar el Salmo 17:1-7, 15. Descubra cómo este salmo pudo ser o no una oración de Jacob esa noche.

4. Leer o escuchar Romanos 9:1-5. Jacob y su descendencia se convirtieron en Israel. Pablo da varias razon históricas por las que que Israel debe ser valorado. ¿Cómo se siente acerca de Jacob, que  vivió  toda su vida sin saber las maneras en las que  beneficiaría el reino de Dios?

5. Leer o escuchar Mateo 14:13-21. Compare el versículo 19 con Mateo 26:26. Diga lo que es similar o diferente entre  éstas dos acontecimientos . Dibuje, baile o dramatize esta historia. ¿En la historia, dónde  está usted? ¿Cuando  deje la historia, qué es lo que hará usted?