June 11, 2017, Lectionary

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Consider the miracles of breath, blood, music, words, water, seeds, knowledge, relationships. All part of God's plan. Genesis 1:1-2:4

Whether I look up, abroad, or inside, the wonders of God's creation astonish me and I feel small in the universe. Psalm 8

Look it up: Some translations make three verses and others make four verses out of the same content in 2 Corinthians 13:11-13(14).

All authority resides in Jesus. Whatever I have is granted, limited, and subject to possible corruption. Lord, have mercy. Matthew 28:16-20

Thoughts about Listening

For a big goal, listen to your heart and break the goal into seven segments, with the last one being celebration. You'll get it. Genesis 1:1-2:4

A person to whom I am bigger, stronger, or more resourced, is a person for whom I am to care. Psalm 8

Giving unearned respect, keeping peace as goal, and investing in interpersonal communication, is what I wish for my communities. 2 Corinthians 13:11-13(14)

Best to notice one's influence, whether one's authority is earned, or because of advantaged position or resources. Matthew 28:16-20

Bible Reading Group Homework

1.    Name one person or thing over which you have authority to nurture or control. Describe the relationship.

2.    Read or listen to Genesis 1:1-2:4. List in order the hierarchy of authority/nurture you find in this reading. This list will end in a food chain. How easy is it to plot the whole chain of command/supply? Discuss how you feel about it.

3.    Read or listen to Psalm 8. Now you can insert some more items in the organizational chart showing who takes care of whom. Do you find any God-ordained hierarchical distinctions among humans?

4.    Read or listen to 2 Corinthians 13:11-13(14). Included here is a benediction mentioning three entities. Ponder the ways they are listed. Is there any hierarchical distinction between them? What does the conjunction “and” mean?

5.    Read or listen to Matthew 28:16-20. Notice the baptizing is in the “name,” not “names.” Notice again the equality of the “and.” At the name “Father,” do you automatically come to a picture of someone with love in nurture, supply, and care? Together in your group, spend a little imagination power to improve and hang pictures in your minds of God as loving Father.


1. Nombre una persona o cosa sobre la cual usted tiene autoridad para criar o controlar. Describa la relación.

2. Leer o escuchar Génesis 1:1-2:4. Haga una lista en orden sobre la jerarquía en autoridad/crianza que encuentre en esta lectura. Esta lista terminará en una cadena alimenticia. ¿Qué tan fácil  es trazar toda la cadena de comando/suministro? Discuta cómo se siente al respecto.

3. Leer o escuchar el Salmo 8. Ahora puede insertar algunos elementos más en el organigrama que muestra quién se encarga de quién. ¿Encuentra alguna distinción jerárquica entre los humanos ordenada por Dios?

4. Leer o escuchar 2 Corintios  13:11-13 (14). Aquí se incluye una bendición mencionando tres entidades. Reflexione sobre las formas en que aparecen. ¿Hay alguna distinción jerárquica entre ellos? ¿Qué significa la conjunción "y"?

5. Leer o escuchar Mateo 28:16-20. Note que al bautizar se dice en el "nombre", no en los "nombres". Observe de nuevo la igualdad del "y". En "Padre", ¿ usted ve automáticamente  una imágen de alguien con amor en la crianza, el suministro y el cuidado? Juntos en su grupo, gasten un poco de su poder de imaginación para mejorar y crear imágenes  en sus mentes de Dios como un padre amoroso.