May 28, 2017, Lectionary

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"Will You now restore our land to You?" I asked. He said, "It's not for you to know when. Just keep on receiving the Holy Spirit." Acts 1:6-14

The heavens and Sinai both dropped at the presence of God. I want to see Mount Sinai some day. Psalm 68:1-10, 32-35 (NASB)

Humility and zero anxiety under under God, with empowered focus and alertness for resisting the Devil, all in the setting of suffering. 1 Peter 5:6-11

Seems to me this morning, that John 17 is a fabulous piece of evidence toward the unity of the Holy Father and Jesus. John 17:1-11

Thoughts about Listening

I think I was postmodern a long time ago, when I cautioned us about thinking we humans could have all the answers. Better to listen. Acts 1:6-14

Human cleverness, conniving, and contempt need to drop a curtsy before those who allow themselves to be bettered by great loss. Psalm 68:1-10, 32-35

Great components of listening that builds community: humility, zero anxiety, focus, and alertness. 1 Peter 5:6-11.

It is a great gift to know someone who is with you on mission, has your back, and operates with the same goals and methods. John 17:1-11

Bible Reading Group Homework

1.    Think of a sequel you have read or seen, where the plot of the first book or movie is carried on in the next one. Discuss methods authors have of making the connections at the beginning of the sequel to previous happenings.

2.    Read or listen to Acts 1:6-14. Acts is sequel to Luke. Find the connecting factors in Luke 24:4-5, 51. Focus on Acts 1:11. Discuss what you think it means and how you feel about it.

3.    Read or listen to Psalm 68:1-10, 32-35. Which of the things described in this reading do you think might have happened during or at Jesus ascension? Which are metaphors? Pick one and describe how it might have worked.

4.    Read or listen to 1 Peter 5:6-11. In the midst of their suffering, Peter’s churches could know they were suffering with Jesus and what else could they know?

5.    Read or listen to John 17:1-11. Try to describe in your own words how close Jesus feels to His Father. Can you think of an image or metaphor for that closeness? Now scan the chapter for the words derived from glory, and compare Isaiah 42:8. Discuss how God’s words in Isaiah, compared to John 17, could confirm close identity between this Father and Son.


1. Piense en una secuela que haya visto o ha leído, donde la trama del primer libro o película continúa en el siguiente.  Discutir los métodos que los autores tienen para hacer las conexiones de los acontecimientos anteriores al principio de la secuela.

2. Leer o escuchar Hechos 1:6-14. Hechos  es la secuela de Lucas. Encuentre los factores  de conexión en Lucas 24:4-5, 51. Enfocarse en Hechos 1:11. Comente lo que piensa que significa y cómo se siente al respecto.

3. Leer o escuchar el Salmo 68:1-10, 32-35. ¿Durante esta lectura,  cuál de las cosas descritas cree que podrían haber ocurrido durante o en la ascensión de Jesús? ¿Cuáles son metáforas? Escoja uno y describa cómo pudo haber funcionado.

4. Leer o escuchar a 1 Pedro 5:6-12. En medio de su sufrimiento, las iglesias de Pedro podrían haber sabido que estaban sufriendo con Jesús y ¿qué más podrían haber  sabido?

5. Leer o escuchar Juan 17:1-11. Trate de describir con sus propias palabras que tan cerca se sentía Jesús a su Padre. ¿Puede pensar en una imágen o metáfora para esa cercanía? Ahora escudriñe el capítulo buscando las palabras derivadas de  gloria, y compare Isaías 42:8. Discuta cómo las palabras de Dios en Isaías,  en comparación con Juan17, podrían confirmar una identidad cercana entre este Padre e Hijo.