May 14, 2017, Lectionary

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By the power of the Holy Spirit, Stephen saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing there beside God. All three were present. Acts 7:55-60

David, in Psalm 31, calls out for God to listen to him and then he affirms God did listen to him. Our God is the Great Listener!

As the calf goes for the teat, I go to the word of the Lord. I have inborn desire for the gospel which comes through the Bible. 1 Peter 2:2-10

Jesus will come again! One way I know is in the spark His promise ignites in me; I must be with Him! John 14:1-10

Thoughts about Listening

I keep a list of more than one willing good listener, so if one is busy, I can call on another. Acts 7:55-60

Having been listened to is a great inoculation against feeling ashamed of weaknesses or failings. Psalm 31

Have you seen a calf go for the teat? The baby for the milk? What is your greatest, deepest, driving inborn desire? 1 Peter 2:2-10

In your set, there is probably someone who is wildly missed if not present. That person is likely a good listener. John 14:1-10

Bible Reading Group Homework

1. Would you rather be the one leaving or the one left, when you have to part with family or friends? Tell your group why.

2. Read or listen to Acts 7:55-60. Check the context and re-tell the story of Stephen in your own words. What might he have seen coming toward him before he died? Whom did he see in vision just before he died?

3. Read or listen to Psalm 31. What does David call out for God to do at the beginning of this Psalm and then claim that God had done at the end of this Psalm? How might that be some kind of inoculation for us against feelings of shame over weaknesses or failings?

4. Read or listen to 1 Peter 2:2-10. Consider the several, various stones pictured here. Describe their characteristics and functions. How do they picture community? Discuss what is the place of Jesus in community?

5. Read or listen to John 14:1-10. Read aloud again the first three verses together as a group. What delights you most about this promise? Consider the questions raised by the disciples immediately after this promise. What feelings or worries do you think might have given rise to these questions? How does Jesus deal with the fears and worries?


1. ¿Cuando tienes que separarte de tu familia o amigos, prefiere ser el que sale o el que se queda? Diga a su grupo por qué.

2. Leer o escuchar Hechos 7:55-60. Compruebe el contexto y  con sus propias palabras repita la historia de Esteban. ¿Qué pudo haber visto que venía hacia él antes de morir? ¿Justo antes de morir, a quién vió en la visión?

3. Leer o escuchar el Salmo 31. ¿Al comienzo de este Salmo qué es lo que David le pide a Dios que haga, y luego afirma que Dios lo hizo al final del Salmo? ¿Cómo podría ser eso una especie de iniciación para nosotros, contra los sentimientos de vergüenza sobre las debilidades o fallas?

4. Leer o escuchar 1 Pedro 2:2-10. Considere las varias piedras aquí representadas. Describir sus características y funciones. ¿Cómo representan a la comunidad? ¿Cuál es el lugar de Jesús en la comunidad?

5. Leer o escuchar Juan 14:1-10. Lea en voz alta los tres primeros versículos juntos con un grupo. ¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de ésta promesa? Considere las preguntas planteadas por los discípulos, inmediatamente después de esta promesa. ¿Qué sentimientos o preocupaciones creen que podrían haber dado lugar a éstas preguntas? ¿Cómo lidia Jesus con los temores y preocupaciones?